Give the Vanu something fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lpresto, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. lpresto

    I do not know about the rest of you Vanu players, but if I get another charge mechanic weapon I am going to play NC. I do not mind the devs trying to make each faction distinctive, however, giving us a pew pew charge pistol that's useless when both factions get a 1 kill smg god, and a 2 shot shotty pistol I mean common man! I want to grind for certs to purchase something unique that I can use, something I will enjoy playing with and not get frustrated.

    Our faction MO is ok at everything and not great at anything, however, the recent new weapons put us more in the position of below average. If we have no bullet drop, why does the only weapon that matters on have a bullet drop (sniper)? At least give us very high velocity ammo, to differentiate us from the NC and TR. It would be nice to see the Vanu get a bit of love as apposed to doing a lot of moves to alienate players from being interested in vanu. The only reason I have stuck with them is because I like science, spandex, and I can not let down papa Vanu.
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  2. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Okay, good luck!
  3. CNR4806

    Do you mean:
    1. A full-auto pistol that is out-DPS'ed by and much harder to control than the default burst pistol
    2. A shotgun pistol that is massively outranged by the NS Revolvers while only gaining negligible advantage in damage

    Let's deal with the fact here: All three factions got awesome-on-paper ES pistols that are pretty meh in practice. One could argue that the T4 AMP is the least useless out of the three, but the point remains that all three ideas could have been executed much better.

    On the other hand, I do agree that denying VS sniper, shotgun slug and MBT main gun the "no bullet drop" faction trait is pretty stupid, as the advantage gained by the trait should be relatively easy to balace out through decreasing velocity (and if all fails, damage fall off distance).
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  4. Nody

    Except NC and TR have very good ES pistols previously; this was VS latest hope to finally get an ES pistol to consider to use outside directive grinding. I mean how bloody hard is it to make a carbon copy of the default TR pistol and slap on a 1k cert tag on it?

    Shotguns used to have it; people cried nerf due to slugs + shotty meant they could kill people (if lucky) from further away. To date the only gun that has it and it matterson is the PPA (and I'm not sure I'd consider it a positive for an AI gun) which is likely to get nerfed anyway and the Saron (only reason to take it over Hailbird which is better on AI and equal on AV). At this stage I'd simply remove the "trait" and give us back faster (read same as other factions) bullets instead because it's reached ZoE's level of usefulness (i.e. you get a downside with no upside).
  5. Champagon

    Vanu by default aren't allowed to get anything nice, because of the TR and NC people that go into abnormal rages on the forums. Simple because vanu never get anything nice and we learn to "work with what we got"

    Therefore once we get an actual legitimate weapon the forum tears flow like rivers. Playing on Vanu is HARD mode.

    Vanu Motto

    "We work with what we got"
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  6. FateJH

    I'm actually kind of curious what you define as "something fun."
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  7. Ghosty11

    To preface, my main is Vanu, only the Vanu bolt action sniper rifles have bullet drop, since having an otherwise near hitscan OHK weapon would be pretty OP. A no drop MBT main gun would be pretty OP as well.

    I was really disappointed in SOE when they nerfed the Vanu slug shot guns, as it was really one of the only places where the no bullet drop trait shined (the scout/BR is the other weapon).
  8. uhlan

    You have the Orion, the Magrider and the Lancer...

    What more do you want?

    None of the new weapons, in fact, nothing made since beta (with the possible exception of the Torq for the TR) has any real redeeming features to speak of.
  9. ZomboWTF

    people will always complain, because the grass is always greener on the purple side
  10. _itg

    Let's see... Vs has:

    --The Orion, the best LMG by consensus.
    --The Scythe, which most people seem to think has an edge over the other ESFs
    --The PPA on everything, and it's the best infantry farming weapon.
    --No bullet drop on a few guns where it does matter, such as the Eidolon and scout rifles, and it's not like you're at a disadvantage when a few guns do have bullet drop.

    So yeah, if the spiker is your biggest complaint, you've got no reason to switch.
  11. Wyll

    Your saying you want a Prius?
  12. Seuchensaal

    Dual-Lashers for my MAX, please. Thanks :)
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  13. Sir.Rip Yo Fezz Off

    i'd switch the orion for the gauss saw or carv in an instant.

    but OP got a point. as subjective as fun is, i don't ever feel the VS has as much fun stuff as others. it's more fun to play it IMO because i like the VS playerbase on miller, as well that i like pew, but when i take into account my own subjective feelings, the other factions just feel more fun to play when i'm on my own.

    everything kinda just feels "ehh". the guns look boring and samey, the weapon sounds don't really sound like you use energy weapons (with the exeption of some), and we don't really have anything that's as fun as a TR chaingun/max/carv, or a NC everything.

    the TR feel fun because shooting a lot of bullets quickly with relatively low recoil is fun to me.
    with the NC you just feel powerfull.
    the VS just feels watered down when i'm not immersed in a big battle.even as fun it is to play as them.
  14. DJPenguin

    If you're dissatisfied with your unlimited ammo toy that removes the mandatory ammo belt suit slot i will HAPPILY take it off your hands.
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  15. Axehilt

    VS have plenty of fun weapons. Complaining about pistols (the more irrelevant weapon type) is ridiculous.

    There are no bad factions, only bad players.
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  16. Maphreal



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  17. PraetorGavorn

    Before you folks go complaining about how all new weapons we get suck, keep in mind that the alternative weapons available to us are intended as SIDEGRADES. Different guns suit different play styles. Planetside barely has weaponry that outclasses others of it's type.

    Revolvers might have massive damager per shot for a sidearm with long damage falloff, but I've yet to find a situation where a Revolver shines that my Beamer can't perform admirably as well.
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  18. Huxer

    Wait, there are people who have money to buy a new secondary but are not running with the utility crossbow? Why would you do that?
  19. Ztiller

    Vanau aalready have the arsenal with the most fun weapons. The problem is that the fun ones suck, and the boring ones are OP.
  20. Alarox

    VS are already the most unique faction with the least broken stuff. Every time you guys complain about not having fun/good toys, I lose a little bit of faith in humanity.