[Suggestion] Give Rockets a Hitbox

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scroffel5, Dec 12, 2021.

  1. Scroffel5

    Supposing it doesn't put too too much load in the server, rockets should be given a hitbox. There are way too many opportunities I have to shoot rockets out of the air before they get to me, but ya can't. You should be able to detonate rockets (even those fired from tanks) before they get to you. That'd be epic.
  2. Tormentos

    Now let me be absolutely clear... Dakkatastic is a TR thing only and giving it to one faction alone is not OK. And since it takes a missile so little time to get from point A to B? Quite frankly? Even IF you could shoot them... what are the chances...?!? I'm not trying to torpedo your idea, I just doubt that the average human player has the reflexes of a jedi in order to fend off these kinds of things.
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  3. Scroffel5

    The rockets and missiles in PS2 move pretty dang slow compared to real life, especially if you have a little bit of range on you and they are coming straight towards you. We see this a lot with tanks against sundies or rocket launchers against sundies, most notably on Indar and Amerish. I know for a fact there were so easy for me to hit that if I could, I could.

    What makes a good game is being able to do almost everything you think you would be able to do. I don't care if something is likely or useful or adds a ton to the game. What I care about is the circumstances when you would be able to use the addition or change to your advantage, and thats what makes things fun. Imagine not knowing something was in the game, and you try it, and its there, and you get to clip it and you are just flabbergasted because of it. It would be absolutely amazing to sit there, see a rocket or tank shell moving at a friendly tank or sunderer that is on fire while the Engineers are getting out, just needing a little bit of HP, and you get off the best shot of your life and blow that thing up right before it hits your team. That would be epic.

    Anything we should be able to do, anything we think of that would be really cool that we should be able to do, anything that we logically should be able to do, we should be able to do.