Give Me Back My Named Loadouts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    Give me back my named loadouts.

    Named loadouts such as "Default" or "Infantry Killer" or "Kill Dem Armor" or "Lasher Test" or "ZOE" is much more intuitive than

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

    Seriously, you need me to come to SOE's office and clean house. Some corporate asskicking, if you will.
    Cuz the first person I'd fire is the guy who did this.

    SOE, its like you're trying hard to KILL your game, doing things like this.

    Extra Note: When you have to change class/loadout quickly on a SUndie or w/e in an intense firefight, names help a lot more than "What loadout is under #4?"
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  2. Nocturnal7x

    Yea, I don't really like it either. It should show the name of the loadout in the tooltip when you mouse over it. Instead it says "loadout 1" or some garbage.

    To who ever does the UI for this game, you are doing it wrong.

    No one who works on this game actually plays it, this is clear.
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  3. Morchai

    You can still name loadouts.
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  4. f0d

    ps4 cant (or is difficult at the very least) go up and click the dropbox to pick loadouts as easily as they can on pc so im guessing thats why they made the change
    you diddnt think this was a pc game did you? we were just the beta testers for the console version

    expect more ui "streamlining" in the future so the ps4 can play ps2

    yes this is true but you have to click the numbers first to see what the names are
    so if you are looking for your burster loadout for the max then you have to cycle through all the numbers first to see where it is

    and now that we can pay for more loadouts its going to be more difficult than ever

    is your nanoarmor and tank mine loadout on number 7 or was that extra carrying capacity and tankmines...?? hmm have to cycle through and find out

    at first i diddnt think it was too bad but now i have a ton of loadouts (membership) its starting to get a little more confusing to remember whats on all 6 loadouts
  5. Nocturnal7x

    Yup, the UIs are supposed to be separate, but why spend the money on 2 UIs when they can just have 1?

    SOE is going to kill this game consolizing it. I mean they are already killing it but more nails in the coffin, more nails.
  6. KlyptoK

    I like the UI change, because it means I will be able to press my 1-6 keys and quickly preview the different loadouts in less than a second.

    Eventually I won't even need the names and the silly dropdown, because I would be able to pick them out so fast.
  7. St0mpy

    Suggestion: Tooltips on each of the numbers with the title of the loadout
  8. VSDerp

    they still have the names. look harder.
  9. Larolyn

    Just out of curiosity you cannot remember where you keep your burster max? Loadout 1 for me. Long range engi? Loadout 2. Close range heavy with dumbfire? Loadout 4. I find it hard to believe you don't remember where you put your stuff. And you can still custom name the loadouts.
  10. f0d

    the burster was just an example

    my 6 loadouts for engineer (so far.. what if i had 9?)
    nanoarmor tank mines pandora
    nanoarmor prox mines pandora
    extra carrying capacity tank mines solstice sf
    extra carrying capacity prox mines pandora
    nanoarmor proxmines solstice sf
    nanoarmor proxmines thanatos

    and thats just one class - im not going to remember all the classes and all the vehicles loadouts, thats like 84 loadouts to remember and thats only for 6 - what if i had 9?