Give alerts more sway in long term gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Comptonunhh, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Comptonunhh

    I think itd benefit the game greatly if the winner of an alert gained continent bonus until gated or the next alert is lost. Right now we have single factions holding continent bonuses for months at a time, to the point where it seems more like a faction wide permanent buff advantage than a game mechanic. Implementing this would make more people interested in alerts and cause continent bonuses to change hands more frequently like they should. Currently indars continent bonus cant even be earned due to poor map design, it was simply given as a freebie to whoever held it before lattice was implemented. And all its causing is one faction to be double teamed nonstop with no movement on the map
  2. Onetoo

    Yeah, I tried suggesting that too, but I don't think many people were interested.

    To me, it makes sense. Honestly, if the population on a continent was even, there is absolutely no way any one faction could hope to obtain the bonus. The only method to achieve it currently is to "ghost" cap a continent.. which is kinda lame.

    So yeah, I think having the winner of an alert get the bonus is a better idea. Although, the Alert shouldn't award the continental bonus unless the population is relatively even at the start of the event.