GG Miller

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Fletch, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. KingCrimson

    The little server that couldn't.
  2. Longman

    Yes, I would like to get a small info why this is permanently happening to Miller.
  3. KingCrimson

    When has pawning out servers to 3rd parties ever worked out well for an mmo?
  4. hooters

    iv played quite alot today and have been disconnected about 6 times atleast, whats going on, SOE needs to get a grip with this proserbian or whatever there called and tell them this aint on
  5. Sipletti

    That's probably why it had no queue about an hour before and why they had only 2 EU servers at launch. It's also good to tie your real-money purchases to your character and not have any server transfers...
  6. Bradbury

    why they dont just lock the server for new comers if population is the only problem ? We miller victims not only suffered from random dcs but also had isssues like cant log in , huge lag and queue problems. I havent exp. that much problem in any mmo server before
  7. miniboomer

    Why don't they care about the fact they are driving away hundreds of potential customers; and thus thousands of pounds of potential profit going down the drain.
  8. McFace

    i just really hope they can sue the living crap out of prosieben sat 1 so they leave the gaming industry once and for all.... stupid broadcasting company....
  9. Onyxinator

    Tech support guys, is this issue being looked into at all? Can we expect a fix?
  10. LazzzeKongo

    Extreeme texture glithing for a couple of minutes on Bio-Lab nearest to NC Warpgate on Amerish (Miller) before sudden disconnect just as everything seemed to be going back to normal (some walls where actually visible again).
  11. Plantjen

    This is becoming unacceptable. Free to play is free to play and beta is beta, but i'm paying for the game now, and you chose to release Planetside 2 this early. If this keeps going on like this some sort of compensation would be the VERY least you could do. I have been anticipating the launch for a long time now, but I haven't got to play it very much due to server unstability and bugs. The quality of service is UNACCEPTABLE for a fully released game.
  12. Senseopadje

    Nice.. After waiting for ages to get on the server, it crashes.
  13. Veratu SOE

    We're looking into this, I know it seems like Miller is a pain child, but it's impacting more than just Miller.

    We've got all eyes focused on the 3 biggest problems right now, which encompasses the issues Miller is seeing. I know it's frustrating, but we're making progress to get it resolved.
  14. BlaQkout

    ah so your to blame :p
  15. Ch3v4l13r

    SOE is who runs,maintains and feeds the server hamster. Prosieben has nothing to do with the game it self. They are just there for marketing in EU and doing payments for the EU players.

    Also, its the first week of a pretty experimental game. Never before have so many people played a FPS together online. If the makers of simple games like MW:Black OP2, which is the same game they have been making for year after year cant even get their crappy game to run smoothly on launch without any major bugs than what did you expect to happen with a game like this ?
  16. Bradbury

  17. Oselation

    Sharing what kind of issues are occurring along with any kind of timeframe for a fix would probably go a long way to calming everyone down.
  18. Senseopadje

    Damn, there goes my cover!;)
  19. FightingFirst

    Thanks for the response. Its good to hear you guys are working on it :)