Getting tired of winning the alert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Captain Kid, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Captain Kid

    And instead of the continent locking and getting the benefit you die and the warpgates rotate.
    What is the point of an alert if you can't win anything??

    I understand why it is happening, there are to many people on so locking continents is disabled. But why even have alerts then?
    The game has been released for TWO years, alerts is the only meta game we have and it STILL is not functioning properly. Come on!
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  2. Xind

    Yeah, the warpgate rotation thing literally means I never play the last minute of the alert. I can stand dying, but dying to nothing and for NO discernible reason pisses me off to no end and I have nothing to exact murderous revenge upon.

    It needs to STOP happening.
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  3. AlterEgo

    There HAS to be an end game in this game, an end all soldiers need to strive for. What better way to do it...
    Than eliminating a warp gate? Think about it; when a continent is locked, only the enemies' warp gates still function and can still be used by the enemy. The shields still harm allies. The interesting part?

    The guns at every tech plant can be transported to that area to take down the shields, thus allowing allied forces to capture the warp gate ONCE... and for ALL. Once a continent's warpgates are captured, that continent can never be fought on again, unless naval combat is introduced. If one faction takes every single warpgate in the game, the game ends, and the First War of Auraxis is etched on a list that is displayed on each faction's warpgates. The maps restart, and the chaos recommences once more.
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  4. iller

    What the hell is he talking about?
    Everyone dies? Nothing Locks? Where is this happening and why?
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  5. ReconTeemo

    I suggest add an objective mode. Like, the vanu found out some artifacts that were discovered from the nc and now it's somewhere around their base/territory. Meanwhile, The tr are making their move, they found a component or parts for their airship, but it's in the vanu territory. NC heard about this and is planning an interception to stop the TR or else if the TR succeed, their people will leave the nc and join TR to go back to earth. Now the goal/ here is, The TR will go to Vanu territory and escort the objective (pay load). Vanu needs to take the nc territory in order to capture the artifacts, but before getting their artifacts, they need to capture this required base first before capturing the other base. All NC have to do is defend the base from vanu and stop the TR from reaching their destination point.

    Alert pops up you have 1 hour to reach your goal. Once the alert is over, and nobody wins such as vanu failed to capture certain territories and tr failed to reach their destination. Then the NC will win!.

    In conclusion, TR for payload mode, Vanu for capture the flag(artifacts), and NC just defending.
  6. Captain Kid

    Ah. When you win the alert, instead of locking the continent and getting the benefit you die and the warpgates rotate.
    No benefit, no lock and your price is death.

    At least that is what is happening on Emerald every time I play. Except when playing during the day.
    This does not happen on your server?
  7. iller

    Emerald has been breaking the game since 2013.
    **** Emerald...
  8. FateJH

    ... Emerald, tis a silly place to be, from the sounds of it.
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  9. Xind

    It doesn't actually happen every time...that makes it even more annoying. Sometimes it's cool and the lock occurs normally and no one explodes.
  10. Mauzeraut

    It's based on server population. If the server has super high pop, the continent won't lock. If it has slightly less, one will lock and another will immediately unlock. If it is a ghost town, 2+ will lock, etc.
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  11. Taemien

    The tears would be epic. Lets do it.

    On a serious note.. we don't need naval combat to make that happen. And we really don't want to put everyone on one continent as a sort of last stand. The server would implode. I like what you are saying, I'm just being a realist unfortunately. But the idea of fighting to take over a warpgate would be alot of fun.
  12. JudgeNu

    Everyone knows, or should know, endgame is just that, the end of the game.
    Then on to the next.

    We all, or most of us, played CS for years with only one thing keeping us at it.

    This game has much more to offer along with the kills.
    It is a Persistent Battlefield with an Evolving Gameplay.

    As far as the rotating WG's, no worries.
    Just play NC you will rarely get to care if the Continent locks or rotated.
    You wont be fighting for anything but just to survive.

    Instead of riding on someone else's coattails come play NC and fight for your life!
  13. Pokebreaker

    Well, for me, Alerts offer 30% more XP, as well as a chunk of XP at the end of the alert. Let's be real, you're not doing anything different on the alert continent than you are on another. Go to a base, kill, be killed, cap a base, lose a base, rinse and repeat. It's all the same, but with my XP during and after. I don't care to much about the continent reward.