Getting rid of those pesky overpowered AA max's on planetmax 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by holycaveman, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. holycaveman

    Tips for killing the AA max.

    I am finally getting the hang of killing them. So any advice you have is appreciated.

    My advice is to use the m18 rotary cannon on the mossi. It kills them very quick. LOLpods are useless in my opinion.

    The trick is waiting until the max you are after is shooting another plane. I have been running in with thrusters on, hitting my thermal optics, one magazine and thrusters out of there. Seems to work pretty well.

    If he sees you you are toast. So its tricky but possible.

    Anything to help get rid of the overpowered max is appreciated.

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  2. LordZombie14

    As long as you get rid of the easy mode farming planes. Flyers ruin this game. Small arms don't even effect them. Dumb.
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  3. EpicCrawfish

    Coordinate with your team to eliminate that MAX or at least get it distracted away from you. Remember we LOLpodders are meant for air SUPPORT, once the max is distracted, either eliminate it quick with your m18 like you stated or just go for a bombing run as quick as possible.

    And honestly, I just find it easier if they're in a hill or something to just quickly ram the MAX while they're distracted by my teammate's gunfire and then fly my *** out of there.
  4. Tekuila

    It's not our fault you can't fly and therefore insult people who can. Get better.
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  5. KAHR-Alpha

    ESF sure don't like it when I empty a whole MCG magazine in their tailpipe.
  6. holycaveman

    I was killed the other day in my mossi by a dag gone sniper with an smg. LOL
  7. holycaveman

    Great advise. My problem is I am always alone. I probably should hook up with some squads. Thanks
  8. Pikachu

    You can trade bursters for restoring scatmax. Deal?
  9. holycaveman

    If you noticed this thread is about getting rid of max's by bettering our game and learning how to kill them effectively. NOT asking the devs to nerf something.

    Its called getting better, not whining about being helpless.

    Just to straighten the misunderstanding up.
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  10. LonelyTerran

    Hell no
    The Scatmax needs to stay down with the other Max's.
    Esf's should be the air-superiority fighters while the Lib is the A2G fighter.

    Send ground forces to deal with the Burster nest perhaps?
    This is a team game after all.
  11. moooosa

    Aircraft still own everything when server pop is on the low side. The game's balance is all wonky. They simply need to not make everything raep everything else in this game. Aircraft (and other vehicles) should be more durable and do less damage.
  12. TheBillOf3D

    I usually shoot at far off planes and keep an eye on the one looking to have a go. Just to lure him into feeling safe. When close enough, I turn and unleash both barrels. Kablooie!!! Love taking out ground farming ESFs. By air or by ground.
  13. GSZenith

    remove pods then we talk, until then keep crying pathetic lolpodders :)
  14. Mazdam

    ANd there goes another COD kid that doesnt know or even tried to fly.
  15. Zar

    lol no you had your op max for months thats done now gotta use skill or get out now =3.
  16. Zar

    people like this are the reason gaming is becoming nothing but cod clones and bad games .... sad really T_T.
  17. ironeddie

    Just wanted to say I saw the thread title & thought 'oh here we go again another I've been killed by X I want it nerfed thread'. I'm am however pleasantly surprised, I'd like to see more discussions on game play tactics to overcome a threat.
  18. Poacher

    The AA max only seems OP to pilots that generally suck. A good pilot with patience can easily drop them. Pilots often make it their number one priority to take em out to get them on the re-spawn timer. Working as intended so keep practicing.
  19. Copasetic

    I like to run up to them and glue a stick of C4 to their backs.
  20. NoctD

    Higby's nerf bat - wish I had it.