Getting pretty tired of lag deaths...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Duff_Chimp

    Title says it mostly. Died several times today, because of lag or lag related artifacts. Including crashing into objects i avoided only a second ago, dieing around corners and just got blasted out the sky with a shrike after i saw it fly past me...

    Is this ever going to get fixed, or we going to have to put up with this BS forever?

    Just to clarify for noobs, this isn't a problem with MY internet connection...
  2. Sebyos

    It's been a problem since release, but it got worse. Low quality game.
  3. Duff_Chimp

    Ah well 25 days of my life down the pooper...

    I really can't fathom why you would spend so much time in a low quality game?
  4. ent|ty

    I rage quit today because I was stuttering when entering and exiting a hex (presumably loading the area into memory), TTK increased on enemy targets most likely because of lag.. Stuttering causing me to smash my esf into the ground or any nearby objects..

    Connery / Esamir (a continent that usually has no lag, since GU4 its been getting worse and worse until i have to exit the game)
  5. Sebyos

    Everything is not black or white despite the piss poor quality and the development focused on money rather than gameplay I do enjoy this game. Certainly not as much as I used to and I don't play that much anymore either, but I can have some moments of fun. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that I never really liked fps and played them so it feels fresh and different for me, plus I do pretty damn good in it.

    Also, I gotta say I had a ****** last year with D3, GW2, Duke Nukem Forver and other garbage games. I found a little escape in PS2, but I'm just waiting for something worth my money and time and those things are hard to find these days.
  6. Udnknome

    I recently upgraded my computer and I don't have these problems anymore.

    Yes, GU5 was a problem last weekend, but this weekend it hasn't been so bad. Well, no worse than usual anyhow. Most of my lagdeaths are only lagging by about .3-.5 seconds now, last weekend it was over 5 seconds.

    The crashing into stuff problem however---was totally fixed by upgrading.
  7. Duff_Chimp

    Its not a computer issue, the problem is with their server architecture and coding of the game. I don't know how massive a change would be required to change this, if it could be done at all. Just some clarification on the issue would be nice, i'm a patient person most of the time...
  8. Udnknome

    According to your Sig, you are running this at Max resolution, I'm guessing you are also running ultimate settings (even though they are not released in the game yet). I turned on GPU Physics today and noticed a little more render lag than usual, but not so much that I crash into stuff like I used to. (I fly a reaver however, your mossie is faster so I hear).

    Your system would run better at high settings with medium shadows and light. and turning off GPU physics might help your issue as well. Then again, maybe my stuff renders faster because I have the game loaded directly into ram. Unsure.
  9. CommodoreFrank

    I've noticed a pretty ridiculous increase in simultaneous deaths in a 1v1 the past two weeks, and I severely doubt it's related to chance. I've seen upwards of 5-7 bullets spray from an enemy that was already labeled as dead on my screen, and I've had a streak where four out of five deaths were simultaneous at close range, which should be a quite uncommon happening with bullet velocities as they are. Something definitely isn't right with the syncing.
  10. Duff_Chimp

    Stuff is rendering fine and at a good framerate... in fact i get better framerate with ultra settings, i have some options dialled down, like shadows, particles and effects. It isn't a rendering issue it is a client side hit detection issue. It was blatant today as i saw a liberator right in front of me i evaded only to be hit by him milliseconds later. It happens if i fly too close to galaxies too, i dare not go near them now. You can try this your self if you don't believe me....

    Fly your ESF above a friendly galaxy and afterburn down in front of his nose, make sure you leave some space to account for his travel speed. You won't be able to... i found this out a few times after trying to **** up galaxy pilots. Serves me right i guess.
  11. Udnknome

    Sorry, I had no idea you were attempting complex flying maneuvers with multiple aircraft, when you were talking about flying into stuff, I though you were discussing the bug where you fly over a base and suddenly a radar dish pops out and kills you....

    Or worse yet, you die mid flight and the radar dish renders after you explode.

    Was ANNOYING>!!! -- fixed now though. :)
  12. Duff_Chimp

    I dunno if anyone performs complex aerial maneuvers, but when the sky is busy you have to be on your toes to avoid things. Given that a liberator can't very well avoid mosquitos that easy, i have to try and avoid. Pretty sure i did, but the death screen says different...

    The galaxy thing was a joke at the time, i meant to scare the driver and he ended up exploding my mosquito with him taking no damage. The hit/ collision in this game is shoddy at best, most of the time you don't notice it...