Getting Certified for Ammo Types for Your Sniper Rifles and Maybe SMGs

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Osskisim, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Osskisim

    I think this would be a fair thing. It's hard to only be capable of taking out enemy soldiers when we have little equipment to do so. We Infiltrators use high caliber rifles that are meant for flying unreal distance across the map to drop someone we've been dying to get revenge on since the first time they killed us in game. something like this my be difficult if you're arch nemesis is safely sheltered in an armored vehicle such as a sunderer, or tank, or maybe using MAX armor. The vote here is to allow infiltrators to get certs in order to acquire different ammunitions such as Armor Piercing rounds and explosive heads to better ourselves for anti infantry and assist in anti vehicle attacks. The anti vehicle concept itself maybe bringing into question that infiltrators be allowed anti-tank rifles to assist in larger scale attacks if a tower or facility is heavily defended by armor.
    The other issue is that we have little ability to fight in close quarters with only a handgun as our side arm. At first this is still an effective weapon and can keep you alive for a decent amount of time but it's a very limited weapon. Infiltrators should be allowed the chance to use automatic weapons that are still small enough to keep them highly mobile. Infiltrators are to be considered hunters for a reason and this can make taking on more heavily equipped and armored enemies in close quarters with a little more ease of mind.
    You guys please help me further develop on this idea. Our class is a bit underappreciated it may feel like and something like this could really be a game changer for our combat experience!
  2. icesail

    No. All we need is a working infiltrating cloak.
    Having a way to disable vehicles is close second.
    • Up x 1
  3. KnightCole

  4. Skadi

    How about vehicle hacking, that would sure disable them.
  5. icesail

    Yups. We just need to be able to do something to them... even if it is not stealing them, we should be able to do a force deconstruct... or a force vehicle lock.
  6. Stordito

    abandoned (deployed) AMS with no one in should be hackable in 60 seconds or more to allow your squad or your empire to spawn there.
  7. Takoita

    Some unique ammo options with interesting effects for different weapon classes would be good, but we have bigger issues right now.