Getting bored, suggestions?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Maxence822, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. Maxence822

    Hello everyone!
    I don't play this game a lot, about 1 hour or so a day and its the only video game I play, I've played about 550 hours in the past 2 years.
    So I'm starting to get bored :/ Does anyone have any ideas of new things I may try out? I've been exclusively an infiltrator (sniper, smg and stalker) and a light assault (drifter and regular, shotgun, smg and carbine). I have not found too much interesting about the other classes, although maybe the engineer could be cool or the MAX but I'm a little reluctant to sink in a bunch of certs into a new class that I may not play a lot or not enjoy.
    So I really really like this game and I don't want to be bored :/ Please help!
    Thank you!
  2. Maljas23

    When I get bored, I try to do something I either have not done in a very long time, or at all.

    If you are TR, I highly recommend toying around with the MCG + BRRT attachment. Loads of fun to be had with it, and probably the best ES Heavy Weapon to date.
  3. Rhumald

    Even competitive players get burnt out, If you can afford it, get another game, even some indie title for just 5$, or find the time to do some outdoor activities (I actually recommend outdoor activities more), and definitely try out some of the vehicles if you haven't yet, you don't need to invest much into, say, the flying vehicles just to have some fun flying around for a bit, even if you don't shoot anyone.
    • Up x 1
  4. Hegeteus

    Get a buddy with wraith flash and infiltrator, sit on rumble seat with a medic having grenade bandolier and revive grenades --> Yeehaw, it's the revivebulance! Maybe a bit costly though...
  5. omfgweeee

    Watch some videos, they can inspire you to try something new. Look at derectives too, you may be close to complete some without notice it.

    Aurax some UP wep, try tanks etc.

    This game has so many things to do if u r open minded and not limit your self u cant get bored in PS2.

    Also if u r not in Outfit i recomend u to try. Its totaly game changing.
  6. Jawarisin

    Try ESF/Liberators. Piloting those is great fun.

    cqc sniper rifle is fun too imo, but that's me.
  7. Maxence822

    Hey thanks! I play tennis 3 hours a day haha :p I don't actually play this game much but when I do play a game that's the one I play :)

    I think I'll try flying vehicles around a little or maybe an engineer with that scout rifle thing they have???
  8. JudgeNu

    Grab a gun players don't use and try to make it work for you.
    Stalk around with your knife.
    Go Pistol only.

    Reminds me of our old CS:S server.
    We had a guy name "Crouches with nade"
    And that's all he ever did.

    Crouch walked around with a hot grenade.
  9. Tommyp2006

    That's so much more fun when you've got a buddy with munitions belt heavy to carry more rockets and a maxed out fury on the front. Lightnings just melt.

    OP, you need to find some other games to play in between to keep you from getting burned out.

    Aside from other classes, try playing other factions as well.
  10. Maxence822

    Haha some great ideas! I'll try all that :)
  11. FBVanu

    you said you have mainly played as a sniper... well then..

    change factions, get into vehicles, be gunner for otthers, Light Assault learn to fly, try ESFs.. tons of fun things to do and learn.
    I assume that you must have some certs saved up? Before you spend them, try the test server, try it all.. in every faction,
    test server gives you 100,000 (100K), certs to try stuff out.. its better than the VR Training room..

    Build yourself a Battle Bus, max it out, become the Fury Bus Nightmare to every battle ..

    You are a good sniper, great, now you can become a crack-shot with the Halberd.. or become a maniac driver with the Harasser...

    You can not get bored with this game, there is too much to do and try.
  12. Maxence822

    Ok I did say I sniped some. I played through the infiltrator, being a stalker with basically every weapon (yes, even just a knife) and, using smg (3 different ones). I also played the light assault intensely, using shotguns, drifter, icarus, carbines, smg all that. I played engineer and medic briefly and did not like them too much and I did not play the heavy or max at all.
  13. Maxence822

    I think I'm going to go fly around :p
  14. Drowingpool

    I am right there with ya bud, 1200 hr played 2 years..

    Make a friend and cert out a MBT perhaps? (as an old sniper I find sniping in a tank, in a good battle Lots of fun)

    I Love my Lighting, sundy ect ect =)

    Playing Eng is fun as well w/ the tank..

    Hope ya have fun again!

  15. FBVanu

    Try it on Test server first.. see if you really like it, before you spend your real certs.

    Also, try a Magrider.. try a Prowler.. attach yourself to other MBTS.. follow them, give them cover/flanking fire..
    Snipe a headshot from 400 meters with an AP round on an engineer, repairing a MAX on top of a Tower landing pad..
    Become a Liberator manace in a Vanguard..

    so many fun things to specialize in