Get rid of friendly fire, people are griefing like crazy.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AzK, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Dawnstrider

    I do wish the game wouldn't punish me for my allies stupidity though.

    90% of my TKs have been allies running into my line of fire while i'm shooting, blindly walking into my vehicle or chasing the nade I just threw. If only the game could work out if you were legitimately trying to kill and enemy and some idiot decided to jump in front of your barrel, about 70% of my TKs would disappear then
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  2. UberaDpmn

    The problem is the amount of players and complete lack of collision. I'm normally dumping my entire LMG mag into the enemy (In a very tight room) when another team member walks through me and places their head at the exact level of my gun. If they happen to be on low health they almost always die before I can stop and I get punished for it.

    It's almost like the griefing system allows people to unintentionally grief you by getting TK'ed then weapon locked.

    The game either needs collision detection or FF taken out.
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  3. LanceHavenbay

    Learn to play. Literally. Teach them, be a good soldier.
  4. chavoda

    Dont go in first, (always good to let grunt be the the cannon flodder) flank the enemy (you will find that PS2 is a game of flanking and reflaking..almost like a giant chess board) go somewere else , go away from the zerg in a smaller team , join a outfit so you can trunst youre fellow soldiers to not be compleet idiots. bla blabla bla blablabla blabla
  5. willTell

    Having friendly fire is part of the experience.

    I always cry in pain when driving over some guys, throwing a grenade in a room where no enemy is alive anymore, or shooting friendlies in the line of fire.

    Some of those unintentionally deaths can be prevented, just be more aware of your surroundings and actions.
    This! will lower your tk rate.

    Removing friendly fire would brake this game how we know it:
    rockets, grenades or tank fire spammed without having to fear any penalty,
    shooting everything on sight - could be the enemy
    dozen of tanks mowing through piles of friendly infantry - hej amazing game...

    I can really understand why many of you guys think tks are a problem, but please don't be so short sighted, removing friendly fire would hurt the game on a big scale.

    For me lowering my TK rate is not a problem, but a challenge and a learning process.
  6. Arkenor

    So far as I can tell, I've not killed a single person on my own team yet. Maybe I've just been lucky, but it might also be something to do with looking where I'm going and shooting, and actually having a desire not to harm my own team-mates.

    On the other hand, I have had my head blown off a fair few times, in situations that were obviously not accidental, though may have been mistaken identity, I suppose (though I would not be at all surprised if secondary accounts were being used to break defensive lines). Anyhows, my point is that no matter how much people who are killing their own team seem to think they are suffering from the griefing system, I'm pretty sure the people who are being killed are being inconvenienced rather more.

    I'm afraid, from reading this thread, it seems that some folks are viewing their team-mates as rivals and competitors, rather than allies, and that's never going to be particularly productive.

    Friendly fire is an interesting mechanic that adds depth to combat, but it only really works if everyone on a team can be trusted to make an effort to keep their comrades alive. In the absence of an outbreak of altruism, the only way that's going to happen is through penalties, and it remains to be seen, once things calm down a bit, whether the current penalties are sufficient to do the job.
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  7. Alexander Angelos

    Reporting takes time but when you are a major streaming this discourages them to play this game in general becuase of the fans that like to grief...
  8. UberaDpmn

    It's not a learning experience if you are essentially banned from playing the game for the next half hour. I could understand locking the weapons for 5-10 minutes and only allowing you play support roles with support items, but half an hour of nothing?! Not even a ammo box? Really?

    Why wouldn't it just kick you out of the game if it was going to act like that about it?! It would save on server costs and also save me the trouble of hitting 'logout'.
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  9. Xandax

    Shoot the griefer. Friendly fire works both ways. Although be careful it wasn't just an accidental hit.
    Removal of friendly fire would hurt the game more than otherwise.
  10. Alexander Angelos

    It should be like a penalty, if youre abusing it in a certain period of time you are kicked, or if you killed a teammated you drop dead too, or at least loose 99% of your health
  11. Dawnstrider

    I never said I wanted FF removed, I just said I wish it wouldn't punish me when I'm not at fault.

    You say be aware of your surroundings, its the idiot that runs in front of my rifle that needs to be aware. I'm all for FF, it makes things a lot more interesting.
  12. E4T3R

    FF keeps noobs in check
  13. Jaloro

    The thing is there are countless ways to exploit the system like this one in order to grief your team.

    There should definitely be friendly fire but the grief mechanism is counterproductive in its current form.
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  14. blueadept

    I don't know if someone has already posted this, but what if the damage you'd normally inflict on a teammate was instead inflicted upon yourself? I'm pretty sure that I've played another FPS that used this method. They could tone it down a bit too, maybe 75% or something, if necessary. I haven't given a lot of thought as to how it would play out in this type of game, what with vehicles, so who knows, maybe it's a crap idea. lol

    That said, the current system good enough for me.
  15. xShonuffx

    NO keep FF but I do think there are things that can be put in to make it a bit easier NOT to TK or get TK'd.

    - When you walk past or stand near a vehicle spawn, an onscreen indicator or warning symbol should appear to notify you that your at risk of getting ran over by spawn.

    - Give Tanks and Choppers horns or sirens or some loud vocal warning via a key input that will let nearby allies around you know your moving in their way and to clear out. Have SOE look up real military ways they do this. Also give Tank/vehicles emergancy brakes that stop on a dime. Other things like having your allies call out when they are about to throw a grenade.

    - When your getting shot by an ally, create an onscreen notification that your being shot by a friendly and the direction the shot is from in a different color like green instead of red. That will help give the person a sense of where and why he was shot.

    - The problem with griefers or reckless players is that the punishment is not sever enough, if everyone suffers from accidental FF then everyone will be careful. Make punishments harsh and give players the ability to forgive or not before issuing punishment.

    I also think that the person who TK'd should be clearly marked for a good 5 minutes so people know who is TK'ing. Kind of like a mark of shame and a clear warning to avoid him lol.

    I think these ideas are a great way to keep players in check and give people a bit of warning when TK is imminent without actually getting rid of FF because FF is actually design to keep players in check.
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  16. notyourbuddy

    Where there is a will there is a way. Was driving my Sunderer last night along a long straight flat road. A Flash comes driving up the road behind me from a far off distance. I was driving perfectly straight so he could easily drive around me, but then *BAM* the guy runs smack dab right into my rear and explodes into a million pieces. I get credited for a TK and warned.

    Don't know if he was watching tv or is just ********, but under your solution I would have resources taken away. In this case it was just a 25 resource Flash, but this can be probably be done with smaller aircraft intentionally ramming into bigger friendly aircraft. Just no way for the devs to tell which one is the TKer and which one is the TKee in these vehicle-to-vehicle collisions.
  17. BlueSmiley


    You sure you want to play PS2?
  18. Isilith Tehroth

    No Friendly fire plays a huge factor in the game. What they need to do is a penalty system where if a player tked lets say 5 people those people can vote to forgive or punish the player.

    These punishes will stack and after the 5 punishes every time they Tk after that they get auto killed(considered a rogue agent) if another player punishes them. Also each time they are auto killed they will have a longer and longer respawn timer. So if they want to keep tking they will have to wait 30 minutes to respawn.

    Just my take.
  19. ikon

    never ever with a cherry on top
  20. notyourbuddy

    Yeah, someone mentioned that somewhere on these forums either in this thread or another. I think its a good idea, but too lazy to think it out all the way for any loopholes (other than a TKer getting a bunch of his friends to play medic and heal him while he goes around TKing). Much better than weapon locking for some undetermined amount of time where the guy is essentially forced to go AFK.