Get ready for the MAX nerf NC, you will never see it coming.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

  2. Sifer2

    Haha. That is a great troll face picture. And yes I hope that NC MAX suit comes with plenty of lube installed.
  3. RobotNinja

    It goes without saying that any NC weapon that is on par with any other faction or that gives the NC a slight advantage on a situational basis will be nerfed and then a week or two later, a new cash shop weapon will be released with the exact same pre-nerf stats as the one that was nerfed...and then eventually in preparation for a new, awesome NC faction weapon, the last one they released will be nerfed, so you can buy the "NEW" weapon that has...the exact same stats as the old one.

    I gotta hand it to the NC. I think they are single-handedly funding the development of this entire game, with their crappy default weapons and the necessity to spend at a minimum 50 bucks in the cash shop just to be on par with the VS and TR default weapons. But they're so great at defending everyone says! Can you cap a point from 50-100 meters away?
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  4. Sifer2

    Crappy default weapons? The SAW, and a free Bolt Action Sniper are bad? And that one Scattergun arm is the only way you will ever kill Infantry with one default AI arm lol. Single Cycler or Quasar is a bad joke.
  5. the pestimist

  6. HadesR

    Ofc it will be nerfed the same way the Prowler will be in future :)
  7. RobotNinja

    Go face to face, one on one, with a VS or TR HA with their default LMG versus a NC with a Guass SAW. Who wins 99% of the time? Who can hold a bead on the enemy's head with little to no effort? See if you can figure out the answer to that riddle.

    As far as the Bolt Action goes, it's okay but there's nothing wrong with the Scout Rifles either. They both have their positives. What's more VS & TR with Alpha Squad both get a bolt action rifle for free. A NC player with Alpha Squad, who already has a bolt action by default gets...another bolt action rifle. Gee. Great.
  8. Leo Di Caprio

    More or less.
  9. Bambolero

    Just read the post Higby replied to..
    The kid is whining about Vanu being the 'weakest' and mentions ESFs and infantry weapons in the same sentence..
    Gotta love the Ez-mode children, god bless them.
    They can't even make the easiest (read OP) guns in game work for them...
    I say buff everything Vanu, let our special olympics contenders have fun...

    On topic:
    They are adding flamethrowers to MAXes OF COURSE they are nerfing EVERY MAX not only NC ...
    Gotta sell those new toys.. then when they sold enough of them we'll see another MAX 'balance pass'.
    This game is for suckers I swear, and I feel like one for playing it :/
  10. FateJH

    I, for one, will miss ultra-deadly Scatter MAXes and Hacksaw MAXes if they get de-powered.

    The VS MAX does need something going for it, though.
  11. Bape

    "Max Balance" Between maxes not maxes against infantry so yes it will still be instagib. He will most likely decrease shotgun damage and small arm to maxes. Also IT IMPOSSIBLE to nerf the hacksaws because 1 hacksaw is strong as an infantry shotgun and a nc max has 2 shotguns. Now one infantry shotgun can almost instagib infantry in close range and a max has 2 shotguns so whatever he does it will still be a instagib unless he decide to NERF ALL SHOTGUNS and this might happen since the pump action shotgun is coming so yeh ...... My point is whatever he does it will still be instagib so im pretty sure nothing will happen to NC max but he will proabably buff tr/vs maxes fire rate and damage so us nc really don't have nothing to worry about and if he does nerf ALL shotguns we aren't vs we gonna still play.
  12. GSZenith

    no more skillsaws? :< brb rerolling VS, damn why did i add booster to nc.
  13. Bape

    There will be skillsaw it impossible to nerf it unelsss he nerfs all shotguns.

    Edit- that hiby youtube thing seriously makes me lol.
  14. Dkamanus

    And if they do, I'll still proudly pull them and still destroy people with it. Unlike a lot of 4th factioners.
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  15. Joram

    Is not impossible, less ammunition per magazine and increased reload speed, thats a nerf without nerfing damage of all the shotguns of the game. Personaly, i woul like to increase the max armor even more, with a Pandora/Nighthawk with extended mag you can kill maxes to easy.
  16. Xuram

    Hasty generalizations of an entire group of people are fun but they make you look just as childish as the people making insane claims. But back on topic as well I'm hoping that they try buffing/nerfing and seeing how that goes then doing the other if needed instead of doing both at the same time... It makes things kinda crazy when they buff one thing and nerf another at the same time.
  17. The Funk

    Meh I've already shelved mine as more people on my server have begun to realize explosives blow things up and I shoot rainbow tickles if they're on the far end of the room.
  18. Bape

    Yes but don't forget hacksaw are 7 he can decrease it 1 by which all shotguns start at 6 but going lower will just be straight up dumb.
  19. Xaturas

    I seriously don't get it I've seen so many VS Quasar or TR cyclers melting faces.
    Learn to play maybe?
    And I really mean that 1 vanu max took down like 6 guys running for him like ducks, until I got him with my lightning hello canon in the entrance, after I made him run after me.
    Tested the TR duo cycler and that also is kinda nice and seen people do nice stuff with that.

    You people should seriously stop crying. Yeah we know hacksaw melt faces, but so do prowlers and so do vanu weapons. The cake is a lie.
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  20. Zaik

    It doesn't work, scatmaxes had 5 in the magazine in beta, nobody ever used them because you could never win a fight with another max under any circumstances. 10 shots is not enough to kill another MAX, so you would stand there like a ******* reloading while you got killed. Since the NC MAX is also slower than the other two, it is impossible to use cover.

    This is all we ever used them for until they raised it to 7 per magazine:
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