
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wobulator, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Wobulator

    What are your opinions on it?

    I bought it because of the cheap price tag, and am extraordinarily impressed by it. It does good damage, is very controllable, doesn't need much certing, and has a fast reload.
  2. Paperlamp

    It's a solid gun, its accuracy is great and the lower vertical recoil and better recoil recovery make a noticeable difference. For the certs, it's a good choice as a SAW replacement if you don't like the SAW.

    I still prefer SAW, SAW S, and EM6 though. 50 rounds @ 167 damage isn't bad but 75-100 just feels like I get into empty mag trouble way less often/is enough to waste groups of people from flank more reliably.
  3. Sen7rygun

    You will find generally that the "cheap" weapons that clock in around the 250 cert mark are all excellent weapons but tend to sit high on the skill cap scale. The GD-22S is no exception, its accurate, easy to control and reloads quickly. It's only drawback is raw CQC DPS and in order to keep it competitive in that area you need to be able to make consistent head shots.

    Overall I like the more controllable and lower DPS weapons because they work much like a training aid. If you can learn to be effective with a low DPS weapon at all ranges then you will be utterly destroying people when you switch up to a higher DPS one.
  4. Pikachu

    I use it for the aesthetics. Looks good although very similar to nc1 and has gimmicky grips. Has one of the best firing sounds in the game. Performs well and has x2 scope. Its a joy to shoot. Unlike that em1 I purpled before switching to gd22s. Some poeople say its a downgraded anchor, mainly because of the lower ROF I guess. I find the firing sound of the anchor annoying. Otherwise I might have used it instead.
  5. CerealBox

    You named most of the advantages of it.
    My favorite is the fast reload because it allows for really aggressive gameplay.
  6. Paperlamp

    I don't find this is true. Controllable weapons teach you aim for the head to counter low DPS perhaps, but not how to aim while controlling the high recoil and odd patterns of low TTK options. Switch from a weapon with easy to manage recoil to one with a difficult amount of recoil and/or an angled pull, and that aim isn't necessarily doing a lot for you until you learn the handling as well as just recognizing the distances you can effectively use it.

    For example I used the PDW a lot, auraxiumed it twice over on my other TR alt. Tried hailstorm and armistice, found them horrible by comparison. You cannot use them in the same way, and you also can't engage with them at the same distances. They have lower TTK but the recoil is hopeless and aiming for the head beyond extremely close ranges will often just mean you miss so many more shots it isn't worth it.

    It's also important to consider all LMGs are on the high side relative to carbines/ARs when it comes to TTK, granted the 750 RoF options are significantly lower TTK but the gap is not so great as, say, Pulsar C vs. Serpent. A GD-22s is a lot less hopeless in CQC if you're facing a non-heavy while you've got a shield active making you take several extra bullets to kill compared to any other class.

    Heavy Shield nerf will really change things though, since being able to compensate for that higher TTK of LMGs with considerably superior durability won't be as simple anymore.
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  7. Epic High Five

    Fantastic, awesome gun. Just auraxed it. Stupidly effective at all ranges, and dat reload NNNNGGGHHHH

    Worth noting that it has the best reload efficiency (that is, damage reloaded per second) of all LMGs in the entire game. Except for the EM1, but the GD-22S is also better at everything else than the EM1

    The recent velocity buff it got is waaayyyyy more noticeable than I thought it would be too.

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  8. Planetdoge

    One of my first purchases on my NC toon and probably one of the best if not the best gun you can buy for 100 certs. The reload alone makes this gun worth it.

    best 100 cert weapon in the game, hands down.
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  10. King Feraligatr

    I like the gun. Quite good for a 100 cert gun and it's my close to medium range weapon when I play HA. I haven't used for a while (before the velocity buff) because I almost never go HA anymore (I have my reasons), but the gun is quite solid and it's worth the 100 certs.
  11. lilleAllan

    I auraxium'ed it back when it was a worse Anchor.

    Then it got the reload and velocity buff, and now it's pretty great. Good accuracy while moving.
  12. Robertooooo

    I think it's the best 167 dmg tier LMG.
  13. Pikachu

    Its better than TMG? :eek:
  14. sindz

    Great gun if you want something more versatile than the SAW and can't quite afford the EM6 which is hands down the best NC gun.
  15. Goretzu

    The EM6 and Anchor are still better, I think, but it is pretty decent now.
  16. Casterbridge

    It's a great gun and starting to more and more be my default since it's decent in pretty much all situations, in my opinion should have been the starter NC HA weapon instead of the Saw.
  17. Titan6

    It's my favorite LMG. It's fantastic.

    I like it way more than the EM6.
  18. PrimePriest

    My favourite too.
    Way better than EM6.
  19. TeknoBug

    It's an OK gun, feels like a typical NC carbine more than an LMG. I've been trying out the EM1 again after the recent patch changes and it's actually fairly decent now, meanwhile the EM6 has been rendered into crap that the SAW is a better choice, it wasn't a dominant gun to begin with beforehand so I don't know why SOE changed it.
  20. maxkeiser

    I use it 90% of the time at the moment. Love it.