GD-22S for NC

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Mericulux, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Mericulux

    this weapon seems unfinished and flawed. it seems inferior to the gauss saw especailly at decent range, and it doesn't even have soft point(or any) bullet certs to it. the TR version (MSW-R) has at least soft points(and is significantly better in close range engagements).

    i'm really confused about this purchaseable/unlockable gun, can anyone enlighten?
  2. ShadowEnd

    Its a beast gun, imo the best HA gun for NC. Its not great at CQC (which is NC as a whole) but in mid range engagements its perfect. Also to win CQC you must be ADSing and going for the head.
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  3. Bags

    It's my favorite NC HA weapon.
  4. Quor

  5. Ribonucleic Acid

    GD is easily the best CQC and TTK LMG we have. I just prefer the EM6 to it for the 100 round magazine (reloading once every 2 or 3 kills or just having it to spray and pray can be a lifesaver). Me and my outfit buddy who run HA have similar experience (PS1 vets) and everyone else I know knows the default SAW is the crappiest LMG of all of them. highest recoil plus a low TTK due to ROF = crap except over range with 2 or 3 shot bursts.
  6. RobotNinja

  7. Mericulux

    yeah I can buy all that, it does seem very accurate for an NC weapon, and the smaller clip is not a problem if you've ever used Orion for VS.

    but whats with the no bullet certs? default rounds are the only option for this gun. the only possible unlock upgrade for it is the forward grip/reflex sights, then you are basically done unless you want a flash suppressor.
  8. strychzilla

    Yeah you can buy and finish this gun in 1 day and be pretty solid at close - medium range. =P
  9. Quor

    If you're not sold on the GD, save up for the SAW S and give that a try. Slightly larger mag, hits for a wee bit less, slightly slower RoF, and way more attachment options. You can customize the S for any infantry role outside of killing vehicles, and it's not expensive to unlock cert-wise.
  10. StormFrog

    Read the notes and then read the sheet labeled "fun stuff."

    Most of the info people here are giving you is off.
  11. Jarek

    It's light on the cert options (no ammo, no compensator) and the 50-round clip takes some getting used to compared to the 100-round LMGs, but the GD is still an excellent weapon - great RoF, good damage, reasonably accurate when burst fired. It's got a quick-ish reload time as well, though with the 50-round mag you'll be reloading more often than other LMGs, though for someone who like me who is a constant reloader even just to top the mag off, the quicker reload speed is nice.

    I'd recommend trialing it at least. I'm sure some people can't stand the half-sized clip, but for me it works very well and it's my LMG of choice. I'd also really recommend Quor's guide, it's an excellent place to get an idea how each gun feels and performs.
  12. ABPositive

  13. Deroth

    Really love the GD, have a few hundred kills with it so far with 23% accuracy, and I mainly engage at medium/longer ranges. Very fun gun to burst with.. Rarely lose 1v1 against any class. Very cheap to cert as well. I've only tried the default SAW though (which I hated) and the GD, so can't speak for certed SAW S or any of the EM variants.
  14. Mericulux

    yeah I guess I don't have any complaints about it other than lack of customization, cheap to buy, cheap to cert(because no bullet certs availible, and no barrell comp added or required since it's naturally accurate), effective all around. it's not a terrible weapon. I have maintained my 3.0 KDR while playing aggressive and going for objectives with it.
  15. Deathcapt

    Are you joking? this gun is amazing, it's the best gun the NC have, it's like the gauss saw before the nerf.
  16. Mericulux

    first off it's not even close to the SAW pre nerf. second it's not the absolute best gun, other guns are better at range(imo) and some have faster TTKs in close range, it's just well rounded and inexpensive to cert. it's decent.

    and yes it leaves almost no custimization room which is fine.

    don't come in this thread trying to troll like a full blown idiot before reading the data.
  17. iostreamz

    Gauss SAW = Best NC LMG in the game.
  18. Sento

    I saw a chart that showed the TTK for the NC LMGs, the GD-22S was the fastest. I use it and like it, its good all around. Accurate, fairly powerful, high ROF. Its pretty much an upgraded AR.
  19. Kyutaru

    You're talking about this spreadsheet.

    As I've said in other topics, the problem with referencing spreadsheets is that people often misinterpret what's actually being represented. There are many ways to calculate TTK. Do you assume 100% accuracy? Do you assume 100% skill? Do you take headshots into account? Do you assume standing still or moving? Do you assume fullauto or burst fire? Do you include attachments or defaults? All of these can change what weapon reaches the top of the TTK list, which is why the ignorant masses who vehemently adhere to what their favorite spreadsheet says have no business discussing balance.
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  20. TheClosetGeek

    I use my EM6 for the assault approach on an objective, but once I get inside I switch over to the GD-22. It's like a giant assault rifle lol.

    So what are people upgrading their GD-22s with? I know it doesn't really have much to choose from, but asides from a front grip and reflex sight, is there anything else you guys have found useful for it?