Gauss SAW (aka godsaw) With x6 scope.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vectore, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Vectore

    I know it IS a stupid idea, but have anyone tried to competitively use a x6 scope on the Gauss SAW? ^-^
    I mean, you could theoretically snipe using Gauss SAW with x6 scope and suppressor (a semi-auto rifle perhaps)
  2. Nabil1998

    Why would you put a suppressor on the Saw? o_O
  3. GuhMaster2512

    I saw a guy using the Gauss SAW with a 6x scope, supressor, and a laser sight once.
  4. mfdoom7

    if u want to but 6x scope to gauss saw u better have big mousebad. its like killing ppl with jackhammer and 6x scope xD
  5. Mefi

    There was a video with 6x scope gameplay:

    But it works only because scopes don't function properly with very high FOV.

    Idk what's the point of using 6x with normal settings.
  6. TechPriestess

    Trackball master race strikes again!
  7. Benton582

    The moment I saw that he missed a guy, I knew he was dead XD. But honestly, Gausssaw/GODSAW, is really not meant for this situation on up close. And the firing on 6x distance to kill is nearly impossible, since it drops off to 165 dmg after a certain meter. Mostly problem lies within the hard to fire scope because it wobbles like a infiltrator rifle. So...GOOD LUCK.
  8. lothbrook

    Just use the red dot its easier to hit stuff at range than using the AA simulator that a scope on the Saw is.
  9. CorporationUSA

    I tried it because I thought it'd basically turn into a battle rifle with the x6. It found that it's much more effective to just use a x2 and fire in bursters while controlling the recoil. It's more versatile that way and there is no scope sway. I use a flash suppressor because muzzle flash draws enemy fire at a longer ranges, despite having been told that the flash suppressor is the worst attachment on multiple occasions in-game :confused:

    (btw, if anyone gives you advice in-game, I recommend ignoring it unless you have a good reason to believe them)
  10. _itg

    It's not so bad, actually. You get the 3-headshot kill regardless, so the damage penalty isn't a big deal, and the velocity is manageable out to mid-range. As a bonus, almost no one is familiar with the sound of the suppressed SAW.
    • Up x 1
  11. CipherNine

    If you have good enough aim with 2x then first few shots will tend to land on enemy chest, recoil will kick in and following shots will land on the head. 6x just allows you to reliably start with headshots from the get-go instead of going chest->recoil->head.

    If you don't have reliable aim and your shots tend to be all over the place then don't bother with 6x. Higher magnification only allows you to aim for the head easier but paradoxically hitting the target in general will be harder.
  12. Vectore

    becuz, why not? :D
  13. Ballto21

    whats this guys FOV at? Or how high does it have to be incase he didnt happen to mention

    i kind of want to test this with a bolt or pulsar C

    edit: nevermind, im a *** who cant read video titles
  14. hostilechild

    So they video is a little weird. When i attach a 6x to my Gauss Saw, it kicks like a F-in mule. I saw practically no recoil, 150fov possibly? We are talking like half a screen no matter how dam good you are at pulling down its impossible to compensate.
    It is mildly amuzing at 150m+ engagements to tap tap tap as the first shot is dead accurate.
  15. GuhMaster2512

    Higher FOV settings allow for the use of higher magnification scopes without seeing increased kick. However, with increased FOV your magnification does not look like a 6x but more like a 1-2x scope. You can change it in game up to 72 but it can go up to 150 in the useroptions.ini folder.
  16. Erendil

    I used a 6x on the SAW before they added sway to 6x scopes. It was a viable setup back then.

    But now scope sway makes 6x next to pointless on just about any automatic weapon. Even w/ the Hold Breath implant, you'd be better off sticking to a 4x. The magnification difference isn't that much weaker than the 6x, and 4x is strong enough to cover the effective range of any automatic weapon in the game.

    Now the only non-sniper weapon I'd use the 6x on is a Battle/SA Scout Rifle.