Gauss rifle post patch

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Nextic, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Nextic

    Has anyone noticed the basic Gauss rifle doesn't preform nearly as well after the patch? It takes more shots to kill and it used to be a beast at CQC as long as you aimed down sights, but now the rifle feels all around sluggish.

  2. Oleker2

    Taking more shots to kill? Today I was full healh/shield and got instant killed by one...
  3. Nextic

  4. irishroy

    the gauss (s) was never a beast in CQC. it was decent, and a beast at medium-long-range-fights.
    nope, i didn't notice anything. frankly said, it is a bit easier to bring the enemies down :)
  5. Oathblivion

    The Gauss rifle is my baby, and I haven't noticed anything different with her. Did you just get unlucky and run across an unlikely number of guys with maxed nanoweave?
  6. hansgrosse

    Yar, the Gauss still seems just fine, and is still my go-to weapon in infantry combat.
  7. HerpTheDerp

  8. Curse_Gamerkin

    i think what your noticing is the bad hit deteection others are reporting, after playing shots do no damage, happens for me. as for Gauss rifle taking longer to kill, i think if NC lost .5% damage they would all rage quit.
  9. irishroy

    and if the vanu would have 5cm bulletdrop at 1km, they would all rage quit.
    and if the tr would have -5% RoF, they would all rage quit
  10. Nextic

    I looked into this and its sounding like what is happening to me, Thanks for the Info.
  11. phreec

    Still a beast.