This weapon have +25 damage on longe range. I notice no difference in comparison to the Gauss Rifle. Besides, this weapon have a worse hip fire. Okay, this weapon have a compensator+forward grip (WOOW). But this is not quite unique. Maybe the heatmechanic is something speciall. But only Eclibse, Betelgeuse and Darkstar... All auraxium-weapons must be unique, with interesting stats. Examples: NC more muzzle velocity, more damge, lower RPM (GODSAW is a good example)...TR spinn ups, more ammo capacity (Like the BUTCHER)...VS heatmechanic... However, please do not let this very interesting directive-system go to ruin !!!!! Greetings AuraxiumPower
I have an auraxium Gauss Prime on my NC medic. I'd rather use any other assault rifle that I have gotten to the auraxium level, because there is no real benefit to using it over any of those. While pretty with high graphics, that couple extra meters with more effective damage is so far out, that you're better off using a sniper rifle at those ranges, not to mention that being super long range has nothing to do with the NC faction trait, hence our emphasis on shotguns on top of shotguns. I like that I have it, but I really wish it would have felt like more of an accomplishment, cuz right now Its just a shinny version of a weapon that I already own.
Do you have any idea how to make it unique (VS heat, TR Butcher spinup) to match NC and not much stronger than it is?
1) Energy Recovery System. Restores owners shields and health over short period of time after the reload, proportional of rounds shot (1000 health/shields if you wasted entire magazine, 500 Sh/HP if you wasted half of the magazine). 2) Overcharged capacitors. First 10 (15 for the godsaw) rounds have one tier more damage at all ranges, last 10 (15 for the godsaw) rounds have one tier less damage at all ranges.
That sounds a bit weird to me, also only good for God SAW. Weapons with 30 shots would be either OP having infinite mag, or if the rate was slow, it would be better to reload. 1 - kinda OP 2 - let's change this a bit. A small coil in projectile of NC Directive weapons that would drain a small portion of target's shields. Let's say like 5 shield points, or +10 against shields and -5 to flesh. Nothing OP, but I think it may be useful for GodSAW and Gauss Prime on long range. Also if it could peck a portion of Sundy deployment shield... Yeah, I'll keep dreaming...
1. VS's infinite ammo is "kinda OP" too, but it exists just fine. 2. Will it even make a difference? +5 shield piercing trait seems to have almost nonexistent impact IMO.
Nonexistent impact? Well, it doesn't sound much, but it's more than you get from HVA (that gives you +6 damage at 75m for 167 tier weapon - if I drew it correctly). And it comes without drawback, no extra kick, or velocity penalty. Also, it gives the bonus on all ranges.
Well, you are comparing the trait to the attachment (mostly useless attachment btw). The thing is that VS has very powerfull and useful trait, and TR/NC equivalents should be really useful too. And I doubt that you will notice +5 shield piercing (+10 dmg per kill is very small bonus). Yet again, my main is NC, and maybe I want more, that it should be, so this is purely my opinion.
When we talk about Vanu trait, it means mostly Betelgeuse. I'm not meeting other VS directive weapons in game any often (if it's not heavy, then it's infil). And about Betelgeuse itself, I'm more surprised how accurately can people shoot with it than being impressed by the heat mechanics. Also note that the heat thingy doesn't change the damage model until reload time - by this time you should be dead twice. Shield breaking, or a very low EMP effect on infantry and MAXes would be very powerful trait even on low damage values. TR could follow with spin-up on Unity as well. It's a nice trait in my opinion.
I'm all for the fact that harder damaging weapons would make your HUD fizzle a bit. I still think the Archer should give enemy infantry an EMP'd screen for 0.5-1 full second because of the size of said Anti-Materiel MAX bullet. Those things are huge. As for the VS Heat Mechanic weapons, they have to make every shot count with them; Aside from the Phaseshift, they 'cool down' instead of reload, miss too much and overheat, and you're out of a primary for 4+ seconds.
I agree wholeheartedly but there is always the dilemma of adding what for uniqueness. If we scale damage up, we run into the issue of it being unbalanced. Coming from console, many of our auraxium weapons are useless (brawler and fortuna) as toggling fire mode can be very clunky feeling on controller. People who get them never use them and the sole purpose is a directive completion. I have auraxiumed the gauss prime and it feels pretty meh. For longer ranges that it would benefit, I would just use an atross or reaper. CQC I would just run a carnage/G22. Even at medium ranges, I tend to favor the carnage more. I remember watching Camikaze78's video on it and I agree, it is just too lack luster for the grind. Sorry to digress so much with the prior but I wanted to put that in as a foundation for possibe ideas. I realize I'm not nearly as experienced as pc players, so please have patience and feel free to constructively critique these suggestions, as I may not have considered enough facets they could impact. 1.) Unique Firemodes: possibly adding an extra "double shot" after X amount of rounds. Ideally, it would punish the shooter if they were off/raise the skill level for correction but could reward the accurate shooter by having 2 bullets go for the head simultaneously. Naturally, the gun would kick slightly more during this additional burst. Double fire would be on sequence after X amount of bullets. If balanced it would reward with a faster TTK but only for someone who spent the time to learn the gun's quirks. 2. Add burst fire modes. The tempest and prime have HVA (seems like there weren't many ideas so either HVA was added or an under barrel) but no burst modes. It isn't a huge thing but could at least add a little variety. I don't think it would work on the tempest but on the prime it may be enough to add a little diversity. Unfortunately, I'm at a loss for further ideas. If you copy vanu it takes away from them too much in my opinion. If we scale them up in stats, it becomes too rewarding for fair play. I haven't met anyone that really loves the prime though. Many love the godsaw and even the tempest has a love/hate relationship but the prime is always a consistent reply of "not worth it/gun is a let down". Apologies for the long post as well. Ive thought about how to improve the prime a lot and cannot come up with amazing solutions. If they would give it a rework like they did for the godsaw, I would be ecstatic.