Gauss Burst vs Gauss S

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Divinati, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Divinati

    Right now I'm using the Gauss S, but I seem to do the best using the 3 round burst option on it. My playstyle is generally to find a place high up and take people out from a medium - longish range with my gauss s and grenade launcher. My question is this: Is there any reason to use the Gauss burst rifle considering I always use 3 round burst on the Gauss S? The stats screen shows the burst having 1 more bar of rof and reload time, but is it worth losing the attachments? If not, what's the point of the gauss burst rifle?
  2. Fenrys

    If you don't use an underbarrel launcher or full-auto, the Gauss Burst is probably the better gun. The faster reload is nice.
  3. Corway

    Yeeeeeeah it's really just about dat underslung nade launcher.
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  4. Dornez

    When/if it works for you.
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  5. TheEvilBlight

    It's a little expensive to figure out if you're gonna use the underslung or not. You'd have to buy the S, realize you don't, then buy the other. You can't trial and buy attachments...and even buying attachments on a trial gun would leave you out the certs.
  6. Chiss

    The underbarrel nade launcher is incredible.
    I view it as 2+ free kills every time i restock my inventory (you only get 2 nades).
    They 1 hit kill any infantry, and theyre easy to aim.
  7. Ghoest

    Just remember its not an actual a grenade.

    Its an extremely powerful shell that usually kills 1 enemy if it hits them.
  8. Corway

    60% of the time, it works every time.
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  9. japro

    The only reason to get the S version is for the attachments imho. I personally found the burst to be entirely useless though since it is just the default gun with a different fire mode and firing single bullets or burst by timing the mouse button is fairly easy. That nade launcher though... And it does explosive damage, I get lots of "group kills" from shooting into medic-assault pairs and generally into clumped groups. The area of effect is significantly smaller than the one of regular grenades though.
  10. Incarnadine

    The S tho just feels sorta lack luster... head to head it gets out done by most guns
  11. Antivide

    S variants for all three empires have slower fire rate, slower reload, and higher recoil. Technically they're inferior, though they do have better versatility in terms of attachments.
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  12. Pedroig

    IGNORE THE STATS SCREEN. None of them have changed since tech test. The bars mean nothing in relationship to anything else. They are just there to look pretty, but they tell ZERO useful information. Either you like it or you don't. TTK is longer with bullets only, but the versatility means you can handle more situations...
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  13. japro

    The "S" versions are essentially nade launchers with a carbine attached to them *duck* :D
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  14. Yosarian

    I can take the reload times, the slow rate of fire (it doesn't feel slow to me?) I just wish you could hit the side of a barn from more than 10m without being in crouch / single fire
  15. ParaxleNC

    The recoil on full auto is the only part of the Gauss S I don't like. I know it's supposed to pretty much be the Mercenary with better attachments, but the recoil on the S is pretty ferocious.
  16. Floris

    And getting a nade launcher means no forward grip...
  17. Yosarian

    yeah there's a lot of wtfery for example, someone please tell me why i need to choose between a medkit and c4? how are those even remotely related? If they were smart they wouldn't have it as part of the loadout but rather a consumable all classes can use with a hotkey (maybe still need to buy them) but it's also pretty stupid that you have to unequip your weapon to use them...there's already a timer so wtf? Spawn beacons I understand needing to switch to but medkits? I liked it in PS1 where that was a separate "ability" hotkey not related to your kit.
  18. Incarnadine

    I keep wanting the S but that recoil is just so hardcore I find it silly to really want it for anything more than the nade launcher
  19. CheeseThief

    The Gauss S doesn't seem to get any benefit from the Compensator, so as a gun it is completely inferior to all the other options when it comes to shooting people.

    Luckly you take it for the grenade launcher rather than it's ability to shoot bullets.
  20. Chiss

    The S for VS and TR are much better (like all their other carbines).
    They have half the COF, making them excel greatly at range.
    This results in the TTK for NC being 50% longer than VS and TR, and thats assuming an EXTREMELY SKILLED PLAYER.
    I consider myself very good at FPS games, and i take about 3x longer to kill something with NC at range.

    I play(ed) all 3 factions, and i can tell you, i stopped playing NC because i only play LA and their Carbines are so bad.