Game Won't Start

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DonkeyX, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. DonkeyX

    Installed a fresh, clean Windows 7 install on my computer. Installed all drivers as normal, installed Steam, re-downloaded Planetside 2 from scratch. As clean an install as you can possibly do.

    So, when I try to start Planetside I see the first splash screen but within 1/2 second it CTDs and disappears. I cannot even get to the "start" button. I validated all files in Steam and it came up with no errors. After starting the game and the splash screen crashes I go back and Steam re-validates 69 files. Rinse and repeat.

    Any clues as to WTF is going on?
  2. DonkeyX

    Oh well, deleted the game and all local files. Re-downloading 10.3GB...again. Daybreak Games LOL. I'd give my left nut to have Sony back.
  3. DonkeyX

    I ran "LaunchPad.exe" in XP SP3 compatibility mode and it is working now. I assume mickey mouse programmed this pro launcher.