Game update 07 Discussion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tomahawk72, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Larington

    The MagRider is receiving an acceleration increase not a maximum speed increase, it gets up to 20Kph sooner than it did before whilst strafing.
  2. Xasapis

    The magrider will still be the slowest of the MBTs. The difference is that they increased the strafe speed and they also increased the acceleration.
  3. psijaka

    The Falcon was and I suspect still is by far the best AV MAX weapon (high burst damage is king against armour AND infantry), and the Comet and especially the Pounder badly needed a buff. Edit - not sure that the Comet has actually received a buff though.

    And how often do you get a duel between AV MAXes anyway?
  4. psijaka

    Here are the AV MAX changes summarised:

    •NC NCM2 Falcon
    ◦Reload: 2.5 seconds changed to 2.4 seconds
    ◦Max Projectile Velocity: 80 changed to 100
    ◦Projectile Gravity: 1.5 changed to 0.5 (wow, this will mean hardly any drop!)
    ◦Direct Damage: 750 changed to 675 (still a one salvo infantry kill)

    These changes will make the Falcon an even more efficient infantry slaughtering machine, and the increased velocity/reduced gravity will make tackling armour even more of a pleasure, despite the slight damage drop.

    •VS Comet VM2
    ◦Projectile Velocity: 60 changed to 90
    ◦Magazine Size: 1 changed to 2
    ◦Direct Damage: 550 changed to 350
    ◦Short Reload: 1.5 seconds (Short reload previously didn't exist. Long reload remains the same at 1.7 seconds

    WTF!? Didn't see that coming. I have a bad feeling about this; looks as if they have turned it into the old Pounder with zero drop. I'll give it a try but can't help feeling that they have gone in the wrong direction here.

    •TR M3 Pounder HEG
    ◦Magazine Size: 2 changed to 4
    ◦Projectile Speed: 70 m/s changed to 100 m/s
    ◦Projectile Gravity: 2 changed to 10 (must be a typo; hopefully they mean 1)
    ◦Direct Damage: 375 changed to 325
    ◦Short Reload: 1.25 seconds changed to 1.75 seconds
    ◦Long Reload: 1.5 seconds changed to 2 seconds

    Interesting. they've turned it into a spamming machine. The velocity increase and (presumed) gravity decrease will help a lot though. Really not sure how this will work out, but it is an improvement at least.

    Interesting times; I can hardly wait to give them a try. But did they really need to improve the Falcon against infantry?
  5. Souleater

    Having read the notes I think they mean that those colours will be availble to members only for a few days before going on general release.
  6. siiix

    the bad:
    max nerft is ridiculous and unnecessary
    generator xp increase WAY TO MUCH.. they WILL BE the priority now , not the capture, over kill

    not a big fan/bad choice:
    no more turret lock on ... i guess i can see why, because people where just farming turrets and repair .. still i dont think it was a problem enough to make this change.. better solution would have been to increase turrets HP by 25%, this would not make it worth while wasting all your rockets and time on a 100-150xp turret-kill, but would leave the option open to take out turrets that need to be taken out

    has to be seen:
    VS damage scaling at range has been removed
    BUT with that said , this is actually not a bad patch , this amount i'm able to complain here is very little compared to many previous patches ... maybe we see a turning point for the better ? or just a moment of weakness and next patch we back to disaster patches ? lets hope its a turning point

    there is a lot of good stuff in this patch, i like that they fix all the useless clutter guns in the shop to make it worth using them..

    and finally a tank actually got a micro buff .. YAY keep the tank buff's coming, we need now a lot more of those, after the last some disastrous patches
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  7. NightmareP69

    The update is looking good so far, hopefully it won't bring any new bugs or frame rate issues.
    Also to the people constantly QQuing day and f*cking night about VS weapons just leave PS2, obviously your IQ levels are to low for this game since you fail to understand than VS weapons have no signature ability, all we have is no bulletdrop which is useless while TR has more ammo and faster fire rate and NC has stupidly high damage.

    To the NC players complaining about recoil, i also suggest quiting PS2 and go play COD if it's that hard. I got an NC woodman and controlling NC weapons is piss easy, if you want hard to controll recoil try out CS,Arma 2 or 3.
  8. datfluttershy

    Jeah a Turretless hovering tank should always be slower then a Tank with turret and two barrels that also uses Ankers to camp down as faction signature ability.....
  9. Fenrisk

    The nerf to TR and VS Anti-infantry max weapons was unwarranted and looks like a blatant ploy to encourage players to buy the new max weapons when they get released.

    Who the hell was complaining about TR or VS anti infantry maxes being over--powered? NO ONE. We had complaints about them being vastly underpowered. Nice to know i wasted 2000 certs on duel mercys expecting either no change or a buff. The last thing we expected was a damn nerf!

    BTW reducing reload time by 0.2 seconds on weapons with 60 rounds that you can buy a extended mag for isn't a buff. It makes zero difference but the massive damage nerfs certainly make a big difference.
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  10. PyroPaul

    i wish people would stop saying this...

    This isn't Eve online, this isn't an RTS, This isn't an RPG.
    Alpha strikes do not exist in first person shooters.
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  11. Heretic

    Im sorry i just had to commend you on the irony in your signature
  12. PyroPaul

    the prowler isn't supposed to be the fastest vehicles in the game...
    it technically is supposed to be the slowest.
  13. Satanam

    -Lock-on rocket launchers can no longer lock on to turrets.
    NICE. Now I'm definitely going to use my Decimator every time. I didn't have it before, so I just bought it after I was feeling useless with my Striker since everyone stopped being a fool and learned how to deal with lock-on. Now we won't be able to fire on turrets. With the Decimator with me, I just need to place 2 C4 bricks to Sunderer and launch the rocket. Boom. With the Striker, I need to be standing still until it's ready lock-on, and then fire 2 shots of it, then 2 C4 bricks and... Nevermind; you'll get killed before you place the C4 bricks if you try it. I'm just using my Striker as G2A nowadays, and sometimes I just use AA MAX to do it. For G2G, Decimator seems to be way more effective if you need to blow up enemy vehicles faster.
    If this is really going to be live forever, then at least give us dumb-fire for the Striker.

    Now I wanna check what's going on with my T7 Mini-Chaingun... Not sure if I'll like it (I'm not talking about the spin-up time and to be honest, it wasn't a problem for me).

    By the way, I'm glad they changed Magrider to be better for maneuver. And all the other changes, but the lock-on rocket launchers and T7 Mini-Chaingun (I'm not sure how drastically it'll change my experience with this weapon)...

    Why did you say that? Prowler is supposed to reach the highest top speed, the Magrider is supposed to have agility so it's better for maneuver and strafing. Your reply was as wrong as the quote on it. What he said is wrong, Magrider will stay the slowest MBT, but will get buffed for agility. from 15 km/h in 3 sec to 20 km/h in 2 sec, I'd say it's really nice for zigzagging. And yes, I liked it even thought I'm gonna fight against them. And I'd say I wish they fix the ram thing for Magrider, as seems like most VS are suffering with it, being able to kill their mates by ramming, but not able to kill the enemies by doing it.
  14. Xasapis

    But they do exist here. Why do you think so many people use pump actions? For the front loaded damage.
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  15. Elthis

    Infantry Updates
    •Lock-on rocket launchers can no longer lock on to turrets.

    Am I the only one bothered by this? This will affect TR more than the other two factions since the Striker is the more dominant TR Rocket Launcher and can't fire without being locked on.
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  16. AltF4Fun

    Guess im the only one here that actually plays slugs and hoped for that horrible wabbering effect on the crosshair being removed while running.The circle getting smaller and bigger really starts do drive me nuts.Just hoped for that little 5 min tweak so I can finally use my beloved slugy again without getting eyecancer.:(
  17. MrIDoK

    Nope, speed is one of TR vehicles' traits among with sheer amount of bullets, just look at the mossie. :)
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  18. TintaBux

    Your must be a skilful player then, simple.
  19. MajiinBuu

    I'm a VS player, and I often use dual Comets for my MAX.
    I like the faster speed, but cutting the damage? And Does that mean it's splash damage/radius is reduced as well?
    And if we get 2 round mags, does that cut the ammo pool in half or will it stay at about 45?
  20. MajiinBuu

    And for the removal of VS damage reduction over range, they could have left it as it is.
    I often use slugs over distance, and our no bullet drop was awesome. BTW I use the Thanatos, and even with the damage reduction over range it would still kill in about 2-4 slugs.