Game Unplayable, Logged Out reluctantly...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KiloWhiskey82, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. KiloWhiskey82

    Not really wanting to look into it too hard, but regardless of why, the game is way unbalanced. Notice the obscene number of galaxies flying around? (maybe air in general)

    It is almost impossible to kill galaxies with AA Maxes anymore.

    Honestly, you can't even discourage a galaxy without 3+ AA Maxes working in tandem! I'm not taking about killing a galaxy! No, you can't even get one to go land and repair. Hotfix, try again!

    My galaxy costs more than your max so it should take....oh wait.
  3. -Synapse-

    I logged out reluctantly too, but it was because the ping kept spiking to 5,000-500,000 (not even hyperbole) periodically.
    Now that is unplayable.