Game Is RAMPANT with Hackers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Latex, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. Latex


    PPL flying under the Radar, trying not to be obvious and when u get 5 ppl watching them and go watch them on their side. ESP, Wallhack, and such is becoming a huge Issue. Actually Its ruining this game.

    And yes So and So can Say, "Ive never Seen a hacker"

    Start looking for hackers that arent trying to be seen.

    Esp, and WallHacks are ruining this game. thanks
  2. Cham

    Hate those guys.
  3. Ripshaft

    Hackers keep stealing my batteries!! Sometimes I hear things and turn around and nobody's there.... HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN

    Gotta go quick before they trace my ip.
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  4. vastaitku

    I'd be a little careful when it comes to accusing people of using ESP hacks in a game with features like infi darts, scout radar, Q spotting, and showing up on the enemy minimap if you shoot a gun without a silencer. It's easy to get false positives.
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  5. Latex

    I Agree.
    But It is and if you are saying this isnt a issue you are blind.

    /report annd whisper so and so GM makes me feel like i should be getting paid to report players.

    Basically what Im saying is...


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  6. Laraso

    This isn't a bug. Don't label it as one. What you perceive as ESP is most likely to be Flash Scout Radar.
  7. HadesR

    True.. But doesn't change it that a lot of people are using ESP's ( read certain forums ). But TBH atm I think their are more exploiter's ( splash dmg through shields, Non-rendering shields, ADAD warping etc ) than hackers
  8. Latex

    Wow voice of Reason?

    So many are to jump to their own Conclusions....
    Just because such things are in place in the game doesnt mean other ppl arent using ESP, Wallhacks and such and then claiming OH herp derp Scout radar sensor dart. You would be amazed what seeing your nme thru walls and distances can do for your game its much easier than reading you lil radar HELL ya dont even have to look at it anymore! BUT if someone pretty much nails yer head on the wall you can just claim its the system built in the game and due to the fact that SOE mostly doesnt give a Rats Butt about it and thinks its our job to fix the problem nothing will be fixed. good night~
  9. The King

    I doubt it....
  10. Captain Kid

    I'm new so hackers aren't apparent to me but I've been killed at least twice inside the spawn room.

    I assume those people floating across the floor lying down are hackers as well?
    It seems they can still shoot (although I suspect it's very difficult because they can't seem to hit jack) and can't be killed.
  11. Jonesing25

    The new sound when you get head shot is great. I see a lot of people ADAD warping somehow scoring head shots repeatedly. Ding, Ding, Ding. /report
  12. ent|ty

    I had a hacker all day claim he had scout (with no atvs around, he flew in with his ESF which I had destroyed), he was playing as an LA, killed me over and over and over and over.

    Could never get the jump on him, he'd always run around the corner prefiring at the perfect moment, never a mistake..

    So I do my typical test of approaching from an absurd direction, at an absurd sneaking speed, using the usual misdirection of grenades going off at one entrance, and not even rushing.. just waiting... I wait.. i wait. I guess he gets impatient with me, and I literally watch him come out of the room firing at me and killing me in 2 shots..

    Best thing was... I had my own ATV scout watching what his little red dot did.. And it did nothing to react to stimuli as other players do in the same situation.

    Anyways,. its hard to explain my 'tests', but yeah, he's a dirty cheater.

    I also like the ESF lolpods being fired at the hill I'm hiding behind as he flies in full speed, realizes he couldnt kill me because the hill was in the way... jumps out of his ESF and 2 shots me again..

    Ok.. maybe once is acceptable.. twice lucky.. third time (am I a noob now? What am I doing to tip him off)... 4th 5th 6th.. nah bullpoop, this guy is cheating.

    OR... the server is badly lagging.

    Can't tell anymore in PS2 really. Everyone looks like they're hacking with the TTKs and built-in radar crap.
  13. reddragons

    Can we please use the correct term here. Calling people "hackers" implies they have some sort of skill/talent/know how. These people you refer to are "cheaters." Really there is only one "hacker" that has made huge corporations look like fools for years. Hell my server is named after the guy. So someone must be a fan-boy. :eek:

    Btw... no one cheats... you are just bad (sorry i didn't get to say that earlier in this thread.. it would have saved cheater apologist time).:eek::eek:
  14. Badname82

    I get called a hacker all the time. Its called radar, night vision and situational awareness.

    Most likely you need to learn to play. A fraction of the OMG HAX accusations are real.
  15. Chubzdoomer

    I've spent over 300 hours playing the game and have yet to encounter a single hacker.

    For it to be "rampant" with them, I can't help but find that odd.
  16. Advanced Darkness

    OK so whats ESP? all i know is extra sensory perception (what women have). I got accused of that for watching a guy land his huge plane on the roof of a building then i met him at the door and blasted him. he says reported for ESP..thought it was a joke...i guess every death is from a hack because theres no way a BR 20 can kill a BR 56 right? right?

    even though ive been killed by BR1's ..guess they were hacking too...anyway.
  17. reddragons

    This is "cheater apologist" guy for those who didn't know. He so doesn't want it to be true, he has chosen to think everyone that is cheating is just better then him... I guess not being aware of whats going on around you gives a person a sort of comfort. I can see that being like a blanket that you hold to make you feel more secure.

    Its like I said, no one cheats, you're just bad ... Right? Right ... Hmmm, right!:eek::eek::eek:
  18. vastaitku

    I think that's a little unlikely. Steam says I've wasted 184 hours of my life playing this game and I've encountered about a dozen hackers total. But that's hardly rampant, of course.
  19. m44v

    I DON'T KNOW, anyone that kills me is cheating, THAT'S PRETTY RAMPANT TO ME.
  20. Thentar

    or people like me with an ESF with maxed scout radar. Often in a reasonable fight I'll just duck down behind cover giving friendlies the benefit of my scythe's scout radar.