Game is broken...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Duff_Chimp

    You can't one hit infantry with any vehicle... you can be sniped by a BR2 using a phoenix, one shot fun...

    I really can't understand the collective wisdom of the development team where you make vehicles less deadly than infantry, and allow rocket sniping as if getting pwned by shotguns, nades, dumb rockets and scatmaxes wasn't enough. We now have noobs running around with one shot launchers. Tbh if this game takes any more leaps into the forsake vehicles and make infantry all powerful territory you can expect my sub to be cancelling pretty sharpish.

    I thought the whole point of cooldowns and resources was meant to balance vehicle power. Not nerfing them into glorified buggys with cannons on. Make aircraft and tanks deadly again, for the love of this game do it....
  2. Chiss

    You can one hit any infantry with most vehicles.

    You only get sniped by Phoenix if you sit there camping, and never move. Even if someone is moving back and forward a tiny amount, its extremely hard to hit them with a phoenix.

    Clearly you are a vehicle user who has never played as infantry, and is just angry that his tank died a few times.

    Try playing infantry a bit, and im sure you'll come back screaming that vehicles are OP.
  3. UnrealGaz

    vehciels are antiques now in this game instead of people going o **** a tank run! everyone rushes towards it going omg free exp gimme
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  4. BigMacDeez

    It won't happen. :(

    Well, unless you play NC, then you'll have everything your heart desires!
  5. Zenith

    I was getting OHKs against infantry with tanks today, so I have no idea where the OP got the idea that you can't. As for the Phoenix, I've yet to actually see them in any significant numbers on my NC character, and have never seen them at all on my TR and VS characters.
  6. Chiss

    I think the biggest change is just the experience. There's more incentive (with good reason) for people to kill vehicles, so they do. In the past, people just tended to ignore htem, as they weren't worth the effort.
  7. UnrealGaz

    there all sat in the bases sniggering going soon as he comes close I wonder whos gonna get the kill.
  8. Zenith

    So we've been going around them then, and they've done nothing useful. Sounds like non-NC have a map advantage if anything.
  9. UnrealGaz

    not if you already hold the facility and the aim of the game is too capture them,
  10. Zenith

    I only saw them at one facility on NC, and as TR/VS at none of the facilities I was attacking. I think their overall use is being exaggerated.
  11. UnrealGaz

    not really theres already a damage nerf incoming for it,if anything its over used.
  12. Rudette

    Another Phoenix whine thread, good job OP. I actually stumbled into this one because you didn't have it posted in the title. Clever.

    As a TR player, having been on the receiving end of the Phoenix... It isn't OP. Not even the slightest bit.

    As for vehicles...Nothing in this game will make you an untouchable god. Not MAX's, not tanks, not air superiority. Today we were crushed by a Vanu tank zerg as infantry because we didn't have enough AV.

    After that, we pulled our own Zerg out of the warpgate and into the canyons, only to be pummeled with AV turrets in an NC ambush from above. Our fault for not having air or pulling back when the first few tanks popped. Super annoying that you can't tell where the AV rockets are coming from on certain graphic settings. Even still. After the first few thumps we should have pulled back and sent in some air or infantry to flush them out.

    The long and short of it is that vehicles are still viable you just have to know what to do in certain situations, make sure you don't over extend, and hopefully you made the right choices that didn't get you killed. Same as being an infantry. Situational awareness and team work.

    And to all you "NC are OP" whiners, why don't you just leave TR if you like NC's weapons so much? If you think that the imbalance is that vast, go join NC. ---- oh.. oh no wait. You can't do that, because you'd lose your scapegoat excuses for your rage, your loses, and your pride. Grow up. L2P.
  13. Jaquio

    My guess: The Crown/TI Alloys/Crossroads is currently "Phoenix Fun Zone."

    If you're like me and you fight elsewhere, you don't see them as much.

    If you're a dedicated tiller of Crown soil, then you're probably sick of them.
  14. Zenith

    Yeah, I hardly ever go to those. If people are chosing to fight at the same locations, then that's their fault at the end of the day.
  15. Dcrd

    You can OHK with lots of vehicles, just learn to aim. And if you're sniped with a phoenix - try moving around more.
    And vehicles are no less deadly then infantry, it's just that vehicles slowly started requiring skill to use, while all land vehicles are still "point-and-click" in terms of killing, you should learn to protect your vehicle. It's just less idiot friendly. If you allow to hit your vehicle in the back, to put c4 on it, etc - you deserve it and shouldn't be using vehicles in the first place.

    Also Vanguard, Prowler, Magrider and Liberator are all deadly with competent drivers, and of course they shouldn't be godlike weapons, and "but they cost resources!" is not an excuse. Personally, I still want c4s on my infiltrator, because I can't see why HA must be the only class capable of fighting non-idiot-driven vehicles.

    tl;dr: Vehicles are fine.
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  16. Duff_Chimp

    Name that vehicle, an then i'll post and tell you why your wrong...

    I've been hit whilst running. Sometimes i see it coming and actively try and avoid it. If your having trouble hitting with this thing then you must be the only NC that does.

    Your good at getting absolutely everything you say dead wrong. I play infantry whenever my mood takes me. If i have resources I will use them, tanks and aircraft. Just noticing how more difficult it is to keep a tank up and alive nowadays compared to a couple of months ago...

    I never think that vehicles are OP as infantry. If i see a tank and he has seen me, i can expect to die. That is how it should be. Using cover and buildings, the myriad of AV weapons that infantry possess you really shouldn't be thinking them OP. I can extend that argument to you, try driving tanks or aircraft out and about and see how quickly you get torn a new arsehole. I have put thousands of certs into my Prowler and Mosquito, i still get wrecked sometimes...
  17. maxkeiser

    Utter rubbish. I've been doing it all day. Your aim must be appalling lol.
  18. Zenith

    Agreed. Hit the man and down he goes. Splash damage is of course not a OHK, unless they're on low health to begin with.
  19. smokemaker

    One hit kill mechanics reward foolish and lazy players with instant death.
    I see no issues here.
    I vote no change.
  20. Kubor

    All Empire MBT's and the common pool Lightning will OHK Infantry with a direct hit. No matter whether it is using HE, HEAT or AP rounds.

    It's the splash damage that no longer insta-gibs.