Game down for patching, ok but no thread about it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by T0x1s, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. Xlicit

    tonight is the ambiguous word of anytime from then and now lol, since it takes time to prep a patch then to apply it.
  2. T0x1s

    Hope it could be the new Striker. Do anyone know if the new Striker is on pts?
  3. Alizona

    Servers have already gone from "MAINT" to "LOCKED", so it appears this will be a very short update downtime. Yay!
  4. tigerchips

  5. Bindlestiff

    With a 70mb update on the client, I'd say you're wrong.
  6. Vixxing

    Its a conspiracy! NSA is installing spyware to keep track of all the virtual ppl of Auraxis! (i want a tinfoil-hat for my infiltrator!)
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  7. Acceleratio

    It is
  8. TheAnnoyingGunner

    Woohoo, ninja patch, do it again and again and again. I hoped they'd learned to post time and content of the upcoming patches prior and not hours after the actual update.
    It's not like they don't know what they have pieced together in their update over the last days. And they first have to do the Sherlock to investigate the actual changes of their magical piece of code. Damn, now I am not so sure about them, anymore...
  9. ZomboWTF

    Inb4 "teh new straiker is too OP, don't get it on live! it's will ruin the gaem!" thread
  10. Goretzu

    You laugh, but they have actually tried to montior (and probably still do) MMOs as a means of communication. :eek:

    Some say the whole concept of VS is intrinically linked to black helicopters and bigfoot!
  11. Vixxing

    Sign my petition to make tin-foil-hats mandatory on Auraxius? :O
  12. MajiinBuu

    I'd prefer paper mache :cool:
  13. vsae

    Okay. I dont know what the Higby did they patch, but its now an instaCTD after you load your character.
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  14. Maphreal

    Working as intended.
  15. sustainedfire

    They said they were patching the game for Stability- Though they did not say more or less stable.

    Now everyone has the same level of performance, no once can play so everyone is on an equal playing field.
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  16. Champagon

    everybody just relax. The CTD (Crash to Desktop) will be hotfixed. Chilllllllll
  17. Bixli


    - Introduction of the term "to login or not to login" to give the players a question free as a feature.