Game crashes becoming more regular

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ncDieseL, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. ncDieseL

    So my game has started crashing a lot since PU02, and it seems to be happening more and more. Are there any log files I can take a look out to try and figure out what the problem might be? Or even better, send them to the devs to give them more information to help fix the issue.

    It's starting to become really annoying now. It always crashes at the worst moment, like 5 minutes before the end of an alert, or just as I pull a MAX and get ready to rush a control point. It NEVER crashes when I'm about to die or get blown up etc!

    Anyone else been having crashes like this? I would say I get a crash for every hour of gaming.
  2. Hunterion

    I crash every single time when an alert is 10 min or below to end, so all the XP for participating in it is lost. You devs need to fix this, is getting really annoying. the mean time I need to remember when the alert clock is -10 min to end, go to a calm place and wait for it to finish.
  3. GhostAvatar

    I am getting a lot more crashes, along with FPS hitches and freezes. It is as if PU01/02 never happened, it has become that bad.