Game Crashed with 45 sec left of alert!!!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by ObtuseCanadian, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. ObtuseCanadian

    Dear Devs,

    My game crashed with 45 sec left of a Cap Indar alert that we (TR) were going to win. I had been playing for 60% (a hour and 15 min aprox.) Please credit my account with the appropriate experience and certs. This is not the first time that the game has crashed during an alert but it is the first time that I haven't been able to get back in in time...I also submitted an in-game "bug report" and "ask for help report." Please fix this issue as it has cost me valuable time and money.

    Character name: ObtuseCanadain
  2. Brainwayne

    welcome to PS2
  3. penandpencilman

    I think you can get passed a loss of 20 certs :p
    • Up x 1
  4. stix6029

    Alerts doesn't give much xp like in the past,they are useless now.
    Anyway,soe should fix this,if a player participate in the alert and play more than 30 minutes he should get the xp even if he log off.
  5. RobotNinja

    That's certainly some wishful thinking especially seeing as SOE still somehow hasn't been able to stem the tides of hackers, you know despite their non-existent hack detection, when they do deal with cheaters and exploiters they actually only give them a temp-ban if they promise not to do it again or unban them completely and then apologize if they promise they weren't really hacking because the truth is since their cheat detection relies solely on the game crashing and the process reporter showing that you're running a program called "PS2HAXXX.EXE" they have no idea if you were or weren't hacking. Yes, to catch people hacking they rely on the game client being so crappy that it crashes constantly. All the hackers have to do is block the crash reporter.

    On top of that they continue to bring back bugs from as far back as closed beta, then claim months later that they're still working on fixing it even though it was already fixed in the past. At the same time, they actually go live with game-breaking bugs that have been identified by players in the test server already for them.

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    TL;DR wishful thinking but I wouldn't hold your breath in the meantime.