[Vehicle] Galaxy / vehicle transport?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kamikazi Kamper, May 31, 2022.

  1. Kamikazi Kamper

    Not sure if anyone has expressed an interest in this or not yet.... But can you imagine if the Galaxy had an ability to "carry" a vehicle to the front... A "magnetic" loadout Ability... Obviously not all vehicles would be transportable... Heavier vehicles such as MBT's and Sunderers would be too heavy... The Ability could have certed levels, each tier allowing for a larger vehicle capacity.... Such as 1st tier- flash / javelin ... 2nd tier - Harasser.... 3rd tier - Ant.... 4th tier - Lightning

    Not saying that these tiers would be exact, just a possible example...

    Also to keep it balanced, if the Galaxy IS transporting a Vehicle, give a hit to it's speed and maneuverability

    Using the ability would be similar to the deploy feature... the galaxy pilot would have to lower and hover over the desired "cargo vehicle" and then hit "B" when close enough.... the cargo vehicle driver would have the option to say yes or no to being carried, just like getting an invite...

    Anyways, it's a though, and wondered if anyone else was kicking around the idea as well...