G30 Vulcan - Ultimate air deterrence

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. FigM

    I was referring to secondary guns. MAX and Skyguard excluded

    Knowing how to fly "perpendicular" has nothing to do with this discussion. This gun is too powerful against air, it's not meant to be.
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  2. phreec

    If you really believe that then you're delusional.
    There's that for your conclusions. A 6% RoF reduction (still 20% more than NC) and a ridiculous reload speed...
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  3. TheRealMetalstorm

    Can't angle upwards, nuff said.
    Knowing how to fly perpendicular is knowing how to keep your angular velocity (r x v, with r = OR, O = vulcan, R = esf) peaked. It has everything to do with not getting hit by the vulcan.

    Vulcan shots don't have proximity fuze let alone an explosive charge, if you're wondering how peaking your angular velocity helps. Doesn't help as much with the Ranger, because it has AoE. G30 Walker is no good at range due to the same reasons as the vulcan, namely no splash.

    Up close the Vulcan rips planes apart faster than the walker but has a completely blind spot above due to the standard elevation range available to G2G weaponry.

    Don't worry, TR and NC understand how you feel.
  4. theholeyone

    Yeh accuracy is everything with AA, burster rounds have prox fuse as you say which increases that accuracy. If it has the elevation low accuracy etc to really only be effective against hover-nubs, then I see no reason it is OP, especially considering the NC and VS main gun can one shot ESFs in that same situation.
  5. Shinrah

    Yes, and? Did I deny that? Or are you implying that it has to be good against everything because it´s a TR weapon?
    Also, the Vulcan is a secondary for an MBT, which means you have to take the whole tank into account, and the Prowler has by far the best Maingun´s against infantry, hell you can even use AP shells to take care of infantry.
    Prowlers can run with Heat/AP + Vulcan and Lockdown and combat Air, Infantry and Armor alike. Vanguards/Magriders don´t exactly have a compareable combination. Sure good Vanguard drivers can sometimes get hits on ESF´s and Lib´s if they fly predictable, but thats about it if you want to keep your AV/AI versatility. For Magriders it´s even more bleak in the AA department because our Mainguns don´t have enough of an angle to hit even low flying aircraft.

    So everytime someone comes around and tells me how bad the Prowler is and how hard prowler drivers have it I think "troll".
  6. Drealgrin

    basically makes strafing runs behind a prowlers or anything except vertical straight down attacks on harassers pointless/unwrrantedly dangerous.

    Thank goodness TR aren't smart enough to use it that much :p
  7. Drealgrin

    two clips GALAXIES.

    All it takes is a sneaky harasser to roll up to a parked galaxy that is picking up their squad and unless that galaxy is on their toes it's deader than dead.

    situational weapons in their prime situation aren't even this powerful.
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  8. Phrygen

    it still is only good at that.

    so much this. A good vulcan gunner is an asset, but a very bored asset most of the time.
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  9. EliteEskimo

    It's not that we aren't smart enough, I have both heavily certed, but it's just that the Halberd still is much better. Lets look at the Pros and Cons shall we Drealgrin

    Halbred Pro's
    OHK's Infantry at all ranges and is accurate at doing that at all ranges

    Is accurate AV at all ranges with little drop off and no COF

    Can badly damage bad ESF pilots and easily snipe slow moving liberators and Galaxies

    Halberd Con's

    Moronic gernade launcher crosshairs

    Slow reload

    mediocre AA

    Vulcan Pro's

    • Is great for killing bad or low altitude pilots at short to under medium ranges

    • Helps TR be true to the lore by using a Gatling Gun(Even if it fires slower than SMG's and does less AI damage then SMG's)
    • At point blank is actually on par with the Saron and Enforcer

    Vulcan Con's
    • Has a horrible COF after short range if you want to fire it like a real Gatling Gun:(
    • Is worse than the Saron or Enforcer in AV utility at medium range despite not having any long range utility like the Saron/Enforcer

    • Has horrible AI utility unlike the Saron and Enforcer (The bullets of the Vulcan do less AI damage than SMG bullets)
    • Has slow bullet projectile velocity and intense damage drop off after medium range unlike the other Saron or Enforcer




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  10. holycaveman

    Dude!! you can't do that! Air is op! Didn't you get the memo?
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  11. DocteurVK

    I forgot to mention these were harassers...

    But yeah anyway, the vulcan is still the worst AV weapon to handle emergency AI duty.
  12. CNR4806

    Try flying an ESF like a plane, instead of a ground-hugging helicopter that is bound to get you into Vulcan and Vanguard's limited elevation.
  13. FigM

    If that's the argument, why should TR have all the best anti-air stuff? Since when it TR the AA faction? I want SOE to confirm if they believe this is the faction trait
  14. CNR4806

    The point is neither Vulcan (which shreds ESF if given the chance) and Vanguard AP/HEAT (OHK) are effective, let alone best, anti-air due to the extremely-limited gun elevation. Getting shot down by either of these is either partly or completely your fault.
  15. NeverWas

  16. SgtScum

    All I saw in the linked vid was a lot of red tracers and a buzzing sound.

    No assist or kill popups at all. I'm fairly certain the bursters you hear in the background were doing the actual killing.
  17. FigM

    If statistics show high amount of air kills for Vulcan compared to other secondary weapon types - which they do - then that weapon is technically "good" against air. The fact that you have to make up special ESF flying strategies just for vehicles equipped with Vulcan is evidence enough that the gun is really good against air.

    Besides Vulcan, TR also have the Striker, which is extremely good against air compared to all other faction alternatives. TR get 2 weapons that are superior AA. Other factions have no equivalents, none.

    If TR gets the AA faction trait, what should the VS and NC faction traits be? Give VS the superior anti-tank weapons, that other factions can't even come close to matching. NC can have the superior anti-infantry weapons
  18. Adjuchas

    At close range, a range where no prowler would want to be with a tank that can shield itself.
  19. CNR4806

    "Not flying close to the ground let alone hovering down there" is common sense for any pilot to not get hit by AV weapons that are deadly but not meant to engage air. Substitute the Vulcan with the Vanguard main gun or engineer AV turret and the strategy still holds true. Your point is invalid as an argument against the Vulcan.
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  20. FigM

    My point is simply that Vulcan is superior AA gun to any secondary gun, including A30 Walker. It's lack of elevation can be easily compensated thanks to rocky/hilly terrain. Very few open areas are devoid of any slopes or rocks.

    Don't even try to deny that Vulcan is superior AA, try to justify why it should stay this way