G2G Launchers - Heavy Assault render distance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Banick, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Banick

    The render distance of infantry needs to be increased.

    The ability of the G2G launcher locks onto a MBT outside of their render range. Meaning invisible rockets, no rocket trail. And a tank crew guessing where it directly came from.

    Render needs an increase, full stop. If something can hit me, I should be able to see them at the very least.
    • Up x 1
  2. HyperMatrix

    I feel the same way about Liberators bombing from the flight ceiling who can bomb me outside of the range of my AA.
    • Up x 1
  3. Sinoby

    The difference between liberators at flight ceiling is - they can not deal damage to not rendered targets. If you don't see it you can not damage it. With lock-ons it is other way around. Invisible infantry is killing you, a d you have no idea fro wgere. At keast rockets should render properly, so you can see the trail and direction. Or better off - lockons should be displayed on yhe minimap.
  4. HyperMatrix

    My understanding was that they couldn't see the targets, but they could still bomb them and kill them. Just because it's not rendered on your screen, doesn't mean your client isn't aware of their presence.
  5. Sinoby

    Nope, lib guns don't spawn a separate actor "shell", which tracked by the server (like e.g mines, granades, etc). It is completely client-side. So if you don't see the target - you can not damage it. I agree, that high-altitude bombing is problematic for tanks, but not for infantry.
    But back to the issue here - invisible rockets do kinda suck.
  6. Banick

    You cannot hit things that aren't rendered.

    AA can begin hitting a Liberator long before anything renders for them.
  7. LoveJuices

    This is also a huge problem for ESF in this recent lock on buff. Annallies are out in force and the render exploit is really starting to become a problem for ANY vehicle. We are utterly defenseless against infantry that can lock on and fire from a distance so great we don't even register them. Then the payload is still going to hit but we cannot tell from what direction, how far away, or time till impact. Really do need a 3D holo that gives us a point of reference and distance till it hits.
  8. FeiXue

    Yeah, funny how PS1 engine managed to put zillions of Phoenix and Striker missiles flying around on the minimap but this one can't.

    Best solution imo would be slot utility for vehicles that would place direction indicator of incoming missile on main HUD. Something like:
    1 = 100 certs => 180 deg accuracy
    2 = 250 certs => 120 deg
    3 = 250 certs => 90 deg
    4 = 500 certs => 45 deg
    5 = 1000 certs => 30 deg
    not really sure which slot
  9. Shidhe

    If you aren't rendering infantry at 300 meters you might want to check your settings.
  10. Cevera

    In BF3 you could atleast see the smoke trail & the guy with the launcher was spotted on the minimap
  11. ThundaHawkPS

  12. Vortok

    It's (part of) the issue ESFs complained about with MAXs. They couldn't see the burster fire to even know there was AA there. My best suggestion is for them to find a way to make rockets/flak render at vehicle range, which may or may not be rather hard to change on the engine side of things.

    A directional indicator when you're being locked and when you have a rocket/missile following you would be helpful as well. Distance of the missile would be amazing (HA lock ons show range when they're locked for the HA) for trying to actually dodge it, but not holding my breath on that one.

    You can see them locking stuff that's over 400m away. Looks like the range was around 450m or so, but I'm eyeballing it off a video so rather inaccurate. I'm sure someone around here knows the range (I'm also curious if the Annihilator has the same range as the other lock on launchers or if it's greater). That's well outside infantry render distance. The rockets will travel a lot further than the lock on range before running out of fuel too, as anyone that flies can tell you.

    I'm sure the devs were aware of the infantry render distance when making the weapon, so it's intended to have that much range. It's just the invisible death factor that could use some addressing. Better feedback for people that are getting locked so they can attempt to evade properly.

    What I find rather hilarious is when somebody uses an Annihilator against me when I'm on a Flash. I die (even though I have flak armor, probably due to it being very easy to direct hit the rider) but the Flash actually survives the rocket, which I find kind of amusing. wtb damage reduction for people driving a Flash. So easy to shoot them off. Working as intended, I guess.