What has happend to the Fury F40 thingy ?!? We're being butchered by infiltrators riding their invisible flash with that new buffed up version of a weapon that used to havve some more reasonable firepower. I was surprised to see how fast I could destroy a sundy with that new weapon of terror. How could invisible vehicles be given such a powerful arsenal ?!?
Fury flashes have been a glass cannon for a long time, decent firepower with almost zero HP. It also takes them at least 3 magazines to kill a sundy. One tank round or a few shots with a kobalt/basilisk will get rid of them.
Actually, unless I'm mistaken I believe it took me 2 magazines to destroy one, but it might have been damaged before though I don't think so. The PS2 wiki says it takes 34 shots, which is a bit over 4 mags. The other issue is that a glass cannon that can fade out in a blink of an eye before you even got a chance at locating it is still wayyyyy more powerful than it should. Especially considering how much repairs have been nerfed.