Funniest things a person wrote you

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nariquo, May 8, 2013.

  1. Zotamedu

    Now that is an proper troll right there. Very good job. I would have laughed for quite some time if that happened to me.

    Someone once C4ed my MAX and when I didn't die replied "OMG I USED ONE C4 HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAD!??!?"

    It's like people don't even use/know about the class certs.

    Edit: Also pretty sure the C4 was quite far away from me so I was only caught in the outer blast.
  3. Ribero

    SMG'ed a Vanu from a rooftop, as an infiltrator, received the message

    "sorry you have to play like a girl... cloaking"

    I lol'ed at the time.
  4. Botji

    I dont put them to memory but usually the only tells I get are the "you are a BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP cheating BEEP BEEP BEEP" variety.

    Last time I played I sniped some mossies with my AP magrider from quite the distance(sniping durr..), one of them told me it was a nice shot. Not a funny message but I was kinda suprised because most just send tells when they are mad so it was a NICE tell for once, was a kind of strange fuzzy feeling.
  5. StonedFlyingLamb

    I told some1 to speak proper english after he hackusated me. He answered that "all english are hackers"

  6. Kenny007

    I've yet to get an exciting message like these on Waterson as NC; I'm a little sad. I've had some really good runs that no one complained about :(

    I did try to engage someone who put a hard stop to my 30+ killing streak once; mentioned he must have gotten a million points for ending the streak and congratulated him. He was probably too busy killing others to reply. :(
  7. P4NJ

    Eh, not much. Some people calling me a noob after I defeated them, that's all. Most of my /tell conversations with the enemy are with other pilots I accidentally crashed into and with one guy who I killed with the Banshee, and he didn't even know what the Banshee was since it's so bad =P
  8. DuckSauce

    I cleared out a room of a handful of enemies and then taunted.

    I get an angry tell from one of the guys in some bizarre language... anglicized Russian maybe? So I started telling him back utter gibberish, just hammering on random letters. Between that and killing and taunting him again, this gets him madder until he finally starts using broken English on me, getting about as far as "you dumb baby" and "you dad is stupid".
  9. MasonSTL

    I killed a Vanu MAX, that I found sneaking around Jeager's fist, with my Engi using C-4 and the guy sent me: "You must suck at this game if you cant kill me with your guns."
  10. Sharpe

    I got "I hope you die in a cancerous way!" after I killed some dude in a scythe.
    I thought it was pretty funny.
  11. chrisbeebops

    Gotten multiple tells from people saying they are going to report me for hacking. :rolleyes:

    Funniest was defending Camp Connery (I think) outnumbered some time ago, some guy sent a tell saying all of XOO and SENT are hackers and that everyone in his platoon was reporting us. When I replied back laughing, I got tells from 40 different people (his platoon apparently) ranging from threats of the impending banhammer to descriptions of a variety of large objects they wished to insert into my rear. :eek:
  12. Chinchy

    Every time I kill ShepperdCommander get colourful tells about the tumors that are growing in my brain, what makes it funny is he is getting beaten by a terminal cancer patent with brain damage if I go by what he says. That makes him a pretty bad player.
  13. Pikachu

    NC and vanu attacking a tower owned by terran. Random terran yelling: "f*cking g*y alliance. double penetration as usual"
  14. Laraso

    I made short work of a VS HA in a direct 1v1 battle by shooting him in the head with my Razor GD-23.

    He /tell'ed me: "The GD-23, because the NC needed a carbine with the same ROF as the others, but more damage" In reality, the Razor GD-23 has the same damage as other NC carbines, but less ROF.

    I found his ignorance to be pretty funny.
  15. Total_Overkill

    Heh, i remember that fight... Dont know what he was whining about though, it was just a standard tower fight. (Before pump actions existed :eek: the horror! )
  16. Ash87

    Someone called my entire outfit: "...a bunch of Ne'er-do-wells"

    ...Which to me makes it sound like we're a gang of street urchin pickpockets from 1872 or something.
    • Up x 3
  17. Charlie

  18. Liquid23

    you know he was just calling you a bunch of lazy bums... lol

    but yes, that is a rather odd way for someone to insult you... maybe he had just been watching an old movie or something...
  19. BH Brigade

    I get called a hacker a lot because I have buttons on my mouse to adjust the DPI, so whenever I get hit with a concussion grenade I just pump my dpi through the roof, so I have normal sensitivity :D
  20. Jaeger TR player

    I'm not a stellar FPS'er, so I don't get alot of hackusations. That being said, play often enough and you will have some moments... The very few times I've been told I'm a hacker were very satisfying.

    That being said, the funniest tell I got was from an NC that was right next to our TR spawn room camping it to gank people trying to get out with his squads (<- PLURAL). I was alone on a hill nearby and sniped him.

    He sent me a tell saying I'm "a coward for camping inside the spawn room." I have no idea if he had LOS to the spawn room doors or not, but either way it was a FAIL for him.

    His buddies promptly hunted me down. I replied: Ask your buddies where they just killed me.

    He never replied back.