Fun Mass Infantry Fights RIP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cembrye, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. vampwood

    There are maybe 2-3 bases which vehicles don't have free access too, how is this bad for them? Most vehicles can get just about everywhere and infantry can't really hide from them at all.

  3. vampwood

    Until you get cleared out by a few Libs and HE tanks, then spawn camped, which has happened to them on numerous occasions forcing them to go elsewhere because its far to easy to do just that.

    never used the word supposed. It simply is. Its scale demands that vehicles be at the heart of this game.
  5. {joer

    They get funneled into choke points. I have little issue avoiding them with infantry, planting tank mines and spawning a heavy.

    centric. im not sure what you THINK that means, but it CERTAINLY does not discount the importance of infantry. it simply means that vehicles make up the heart of the game, and the basis for its gameplay.

    Centric: meaning centered, or the center of.

    Here you go
  7. MrK

    Ad Nominem attack without a clue about what I push for or even think about PS2. Just trolling tbh.

    I've been pushing against PS1 rose tinted glasses fanbois throughout all beta. PS1 had horrible aspects devs have gotten rid of, good. Pushing infantry back inside only is precisely one of PS1 horrible aspect.
    There are just some points where SOE could get some clue. How dare I say that?
  8. vampwood

    Again, too many vehicles to realistically handle with no way to avoid them, sure you can kill them, but in order for you take a lot of the objectives on outposts, is completely exposed to aircraft and tanks. You can lay enough mines to kill 2 vehicles as an engineer if they don't have mineguard and they hit them.

    It seems you're implying its a L2P issue, you cannot defend a base against (except biolab and tech) a larger force then your own because of the open access to vehicles, after a death or two you will be spawn camped and you cannot do anything.

    Some of the best fights I've had were in Tech plants holding out against two factions with a 5 man squad for an hour and a half holding the SCU shield generator room which you can actually defend well instead of just being insta gibbed by overwhelming tanks and aircraft.
  9. Seryi

    Yes, and I'm saying vehicles were never the center focus of Planetside, just an important part of it.

    I'd agree with you in saying Planetside 2 is vehicle centric, but PS1...yeah no. Not unless you didn't want to capture anything.

    In Planetside, because most of the base's important facilities were underground or indoors, if you wanted to do anything other then sit parked outside the door and wait for someone to foolishly open it, it was time to get the **** out of your MBT and storm the base.

    All branches of Planetside were equally important, vehicles were hardly the center focus. Thus, Combined Arms. In Planetside 2 though, I agree with your assessment, it IS a very vehicle centric game by its very design, at least currently. I would like to go back to a more combined arms approach, but eh.
  10. Esxraptor

  11. {joer

    I think it might be a L2P issue, I do think they made it too easy to get a vehicle in the game, BUT I don't think they are so bad they are dominating everything.

    Personally I think the reason you can't defend a base vrs a larger force has more to do with sunderers than vehicles. In PS1, killing the sunderers was the key to success in defense, in PS2, everyone and his grandmother can bring a sunderer, and they often do.
  12. MrK

    Demonstration, plz

    Ok this is my mistake. I lumped the 2 games together and I shouldnt have. I was speaking of PS2 only. My bad.

    I never played PS1. I was busy on BF1942 at the time so i cant comment on it.
  14. Jourmand1r

    When the OP says Rocket Pods, he means Liberators and tank spam.

    Only noobs think Rocket Pods are a problem now.
  15. vampwood

    I have no issues with sunderers or fighting infantry, the NUMBER 1 fight killer is vehicles swarming the spawn rooms and the outpost so you cannot fight back period. I'd seriously like to see you defend an outpost with a 5 man squad against a 12man squad with 4 mag riders and 3 scythes. You can't do it. If it was infantry only its easily possible, but the way bases are laid out, you will die to splash from tanks and aircraft, then be spawn camped. If your squad wipes ONCE the fight ends there instead of being a back and forth type deal.

    Its easy to crush a spawn camp by infantry, its not easy to crush a spawn camp done by vehicles while the infantry just hold the point, unless the enemy is completely braindead you're not going to resecure the base and your just arguing now for the sake of arguing.

    Bases are too open to vehicles period. We want more infantry fights with vehicles being support, not the main force in bringing bases down.


    I wasnt trying to deflect, or use any type of ruse. I am a rare gem on the internet, I come here to educate, and to be educated. My intentions were good, i assure you.

    It turns out that I was actually mistaken with my original post, and Seryi was kind enough to point it out. In my last post (due to our misunderstanding) I was genuinely trying to help him understand what i was saying. Im sure you know how many times people fubar their vocabulary on the internet forums.
  17. Seryi

    It's all good. You are very right though, currently PS2 is very vehicle centric. I don't agree with the design decision by the developers to focus more on vehicles rather then the historically combined arms approach, but as the game is constantly changing, and constantly in flux, I'm hopeful.

    If they stick to their original plan of releasing a Battlefield 3 clone on steroids, then turning it into Planetside 1 on crack, I'll be happy.

    ? demonstration of what? the size of the maps make infantry movement very tedious. It makes it slow. moving from one base to another is certainly long enough to warrant buying, or using, a vehicle for transport. as a result, everyone hops in a vehicle and thats how the zergs come to be.
    • Up x 1
  19. LameFox

    That would be 'hominem', and you're the one who brought up having played PS1 as though what you came to expect from it should override the pretty obvious nature this game has.
  20. MrK

    Infantry needs transport. How does that make the game vehicle centric ? oO
    And still an infantry centric game on large scale, with vehicles on top. All possible. I don't see how vehicles are supposed to be the CORE of PS2. It's still a MMOFPS, in which "FPS" AFAIK has still the meaning of infantry First Person Shooter. That's how any player will understand the term.