Full Continents + Lattice = Lagfest no-fun Disaster

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoXousX, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. NoXousX

    The fights are too big, too laggy, too concentrated, and it's obvious neither the servers or our clients can handle the load.

    Big fights are ok; big laggy fights where you can't see 50m are not. With the lattice system population caps should have been decreased as well. Another option would be to remove the lattice hex system once a continent reaches a certain population, and it could remain that way for a set amount of a time after (say 3 hours for example) in order to allow fights to develop around it.

    Wasn't the lattice implemented to helps top ghost hacking and promote battle flow? That's not necessary when the fights are HUGE. It only matters when the fights are slow.

    Unpopular opinion I know... but I can't bear to see Esamir AND Amerish turn in to a Lagdar 2.0.
  2. Stew360

    Yep and come and play on matherson where the VS only know one way to make thing done , crushing a single regions where their is a 48 + vs 48 + 52 % 48 % , the vs matherson tranform this into a 70 % vanus 30 % nc in still 48+ vs 48+ thats mean over 150 to 200 vanus ,

    The problems is really the Regions and bases / outpost populations , even more than the overall servers populations

    the figth need to be spread more evenly , some regions with 100 vs 100 players some others with 48 vs 48 etc..

    we need a missions sythem that ask peoples to chek in for a missions and all work toghuether to accomplish a bigger goal , unlike what we have now Mindless Zerging , or triggered Zergs

    The infantry render distance got broke everything look clear few peoples around you and all of sudden in a room thats seams empty BAM 10 ZOE maxs just pop in and render rigth in your face ....

    thats laughable , anoying and discusting

    Zergs mentality create this

    We need ( especially for the alerts ) a Systhem that force players to Spread the figths more evenly and some mechanics that PUNISH and create in game repercussion to overload a area with to much peoples like making , respawn time penalty and mechanics like this

    But also create a type of alert that required to Hold specifics points ALL at the same time alerts truigger by the populations level and create multiples objective that required to be taken and hold all at once so they wont be able to crush an area then leave for another etc.. ( THE ENCLAVE STYLE ) this in and out zergy tactics is infamous , but the problem is the game tech cannot suport as much peoples all at once in a way to smalls base ...
    • Up x 2
  3. theholeyone

    Come to briggs!

    Seriously, please come to briggs, we have so few people these days. Pretty much one 48+ zerg per faction and a couple of smaller fights that either wither or get zerged.
  4. Luighseach

    Can't believe I just like a Stew360 post...

    I agree though that when so many people get in an area there should be a penalty for the larger percent pop like a Spawn overload thing or something.

    Also a system that spreads out pop would be nice.

    The biggest thing that would help when Lattice goes live on all continents is the complete removal of the Alert system in general. It causes most of the problems now anyway. We need a mission system that makes squads, platoons, and individuals have certain things on the continent to hit and not an entire world goal. Maybe even have multiple faction goals that give everyone xp for completeing a goal without the other factions knowing the goal(even though spies will tell them anyway).
  5. San

    Going through 4 med packs and getting zero healing...

    Stealth / Heal Aura / Overshield not activating or deactivating when the button is pressed...

    Enemies and friendlies not rendering so you have no ability to discern the battle flow whatsoever...

    It's a thoroughly frustrating experience that makes me just want to walk away for a while and every time I do that "little while" gets longer and longer.
  6. Hoki

    Lattice ******* sucks.

    It creates forced zerg lanes and artificially disconnects obviously adjacent territories.

    Lazy zerg herders wanted a cleaner way to zerg around the continent without defending so thats what they got.
  7. The King

    Hrmmmm, while on Indar today on Matterson.
    There were around 4-5 big battles all around.
    Wasn't laggy at all, really. There was also 48+ on Amerish too..
    I didn't care to look at Esimer..
    It didn't seem that bad.

    Tell your team and the other team to spread out some. No reason to have ~200 players in one spot having a huge pop advantage. No one is enjoying it.
  8. KAHR-Alpha

    It's laggy at times, unrelated to the lattice system.

    There was no lag when the lattice was just out and everyone was playing on Indar to try it (and we're not exactly gained population since then). Then, on Ceres, there was lag between the end of may to mid june, then it got better for some reason. Even with the hex system we had quite laggy times on Indar.
  9. EliteEskimo

    But the problem is Stew the game was advertised for the large battles and the game itself is designed to create large battles, and personally I think that medium-large battles are the best part of the game. I think what SOE needs to do is work harder to make non essential things not render for individual players to give more priority rendering to other more critical things like the ZOE Maxes 50-100 meters away from you. For instance if you're in a bio lab everything under and around the bio lab and the things behind you in the biolab doesn't need to render. Enemies/allies can show up on the minimap but they don't actually need to render.

    Case in point Stew you know I normally get 15-25 FPS in medium to large battles, but I tried something out at the warp gate today. I exited the warp gate, looked away from the warpgate and got 30-40 FPS, then I merely turned towards the warpgate and my FPS went down to 20's. The game needs to work more like that so that stuff behind you like allies don't render for you past 5 meters, except on the mini map, unless you turn around to look at them. I mean you don't need to have them render for you past 5 meters. Personally I like the large battles and killing hordes of Vanu but the render problems do take away from the fun too so I do get where you are coming from.
  10. Eudaemonia

    Aye. Guys, come on Briggs. We have minimal population imbalance issues compared to some of the other servers. We just need more players overall.
  11. FateJH

    Graphics engines are supposed to do that before they begin rendering anyway. Probably the most-cited instance of this is culling backs - quite literally, the engine decides what will not be seen by the player, such as the back of other shapes, and does not draw it during the rendering phase. We have no evidence to believe that Planetside 2 was optimized but I want to trust DirectX on this one. In fact, that's entirely the reason why you can look into an open expanse and get high fps then turn towards a three-way tower battle and there is this sudden drop - the game isn't wasting resources on the things behind you that you can't see for the most part. The minimap, however, is proof the game is always aware of everything going on around you (and couldn't work if it didn't). That information that the server sends you wouldn't be able to change without creating a new bottleneck, one that would be server-bound, rather than our common CPU- and GPU-bound problems.

    The game does have to render some things you can't see for individual client sanity checks, but it's probably just a small space around each player with all of the local terrain.
  12. Phrygen

    I like lattice, especially on Indar.

    That said, i would like to see a more complex lattice on esamir, give how open the terrain is. Its not hard to add lattice with many connecting points, that only restricts some movements instead of lots of movements.
  13. LT_Latency

    Hey, at least I am not getting order to go sit at some empty spot and do nothing for 10 mins