Frustrations at Viridian East Terrace - Oshur

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tharovinn, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. Tharovinn

    Oh boy, this outpost on Oshur is why I dislike the frontline being here while either home-based at the south east or northern flotilla.

    Getting to the outpost:
    • Southeast Flotilla: South Viridian Beachhead as a construction outpost makes getting to Viridian East Terrace from the south so much longer if you want to pull up with a sunderer to the base and no construction base is built at the beachhead with a vehicle pad. Pilay Interlink, Seapost K10, and Emerald Research Co. Are your options. I have not tested which base is best to pull from but with any option, you are going to be getting your sunderer wet and its a long trip, and that is if you want to park your bus on the south side.

      Don't even think about going up the hill that would take you behind the spawn room. Its not smooth enough or obvious enough by the textures that you should take the bus up that way if you want to park your sunderer on the north side of the outpost.

      If you don't own the beachhead that makes it even worse. Its so obvious that you are heading to Viridian East Terrace next while capturing the southern construction outpost, mounting a defense is way too easy.
    • Northern Flotilla: Again you have 3 options to choose from with Terran Genetics Inc. being the one I usually choose to spawn a sunderer from if approaching Viridian East Terrace from the north. My annoyance with travel time has once again come up again; its a long trip to even get there. Its so long in fact that I'm surprised that there isn't a construction outpost just north of Viridian East Terrance.
    Vehicle Terminal Placement
    • Defender perceptive - I have no hope of ever repairing or hacking this terminal if the base is under attack. I'm glad remote pulling from the map screen came back cause its like a 200m walk to the terminal. That is absurd. While its destroyed though, getting to it to repair is a short jog.
    • North and South Attacker perceptive - If your goal is to get to the terminal to hack or blow it up its way too convenient to even get to it if you have a lone sunderer parked on the south side and way too convenient for the northside. Because of that I believe its much easier to approach Viridian East Terrace from the north, especially considering how many lattice links connect to it.
    Final Thoughts - Overall, Viridian East Terrace is such an inconvenient, and awkward outpost. The lattice and placement of things really needs thought over again in this region of Oshur
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