Frustrated and need help

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Raedium, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Raedium

    I have been trying to learn Inf for about a week now and just get the feeling that the class is lacking. Against any decent player the cloak is worthless, sniping is a pain in comparison to aiming with a LMG or carbine. No tools that are really useful, the radar is pretty crap. No way of dealing with vehicles, No CQC options that are any good. Overall just feels outshined in every aspect of the game, without a spot to shine. Very unrewarding, and time intensive to learn for little payback. Anyone can pick off noobs standing still with a sniper but killing decent players as an inf is very difficult
  2. Raedium

    bullet drop on top of leading the player makes headshots very hard and if you arent hitting the head your arent killing anything because as soon as that shot is fired and they are still alive and you unscope to reload the bolt action rifle they are gone.
  3. Marinealver

    Pretend that the cloak doesn't exist. Unfortunately the Infil doesn't have a backstabbing assassination in yet (which it should)
    If oyu don't have a VS weapon or using a bolt action put the croshairs just above the head for bullet drop.

    Use the cloak as more of a defensive equipment to run away or to move from cover to cover.
  4. ghnurbles

    ^ This. At the moment it's pretty easy to see a cloaked Infiltrator from moderate ranges in most situations.

    I've been playing a CQC Infiltrator all week, and compared to my CQC Light Assault main, it's severely lacking. The radar is definitely useful, and I think the guns are roughly what they should be for an Infiltrator, it's just that the cloak is painfully bad.
  5. muppofmalice

    I find the infiltrator class rather satisfying, though it could use a bit more diversity. I usually find a good spot with sight over a spawnpoint (often a sunderer) and go wild with the headshots (or similar situations where people take cover/are reasonably still).
    If noticed by one you can usually pick him off before he can get too close, and if noticed by several, get out of there.

    Treat the cloak as a strong camouflage, not as invisibility. Get a bolt-action rifle (The standard semi-auto is just crap). Maybe spec out the anti-personnel mines, they're good for bunkering in or providing some time (or an easy kill, for that matter) when being hunted and in several other positions.

    Maybe make your way to a enemy base that's relatively close to the front line and hack an AV-turret and kill some vehicles before slipping away hopefully unseen.

    I find it easier and funnier to play if you actively see to it that people are not aware of your presense. And if they are, keep moving from spot to spot. And if someone who you feel you can't kill notices you (For example an Anti-Infantry MAX that's quite near you) just relocate. People generally don't bother looking for an infiltrator for that long.

    All in all, don't confront people, make them forget you and kill them from behind.

    Also, on assassination I find the knife quite effective, though I know many would disagree with me.
  6. Mordrag

    Two tips that may help you out.

    * When you are defending a base, station or anything get to the high ground somewhere away from the main battle.
    * When attacking a base or station make sure you are using either the wall if your team has pushed in or use the mountains.
    * For a quick melee kill start with a pistol, shoot them 2-3 times, then follow up with knife, insta kill.
    * Flank, Flank, Flank! Finding the enemy's Sunderer respawn is a great place to get a lot of kills.
    • Up x 1
  7. Benevon

    Infiltrator just may not be the class for you. I don't know, I love the class. It did take me like two days or so to get a feel for the bullet drop but now I can get headshots at pretty long distances without much trouble. I'm still practicing my CQC skills, but the automatic scout rifle with suppressor and reflex sight on a separate loadout once I get inside is pretty fun.

    Stealth IS useful, once you learn it's downfalls. Although it's easy for somebody to see you while you are moving, using it to get from cover to cover will keep people from noticing your movement with a quick eye scan. When using it defensively, use objects and terrain to try to lose em.
  8. sharknice

    The key to playing the infiltrator class is to always be hidden from the enemy. If any other class sees you at short to mid range they have the advantage over you because they have a better short to mid range gun. There are different ways to play the infiltrator class but all of them are based on stealth.
    If you prefer charging in and taking the enemy head on you probably have more fun playing as another class.

    I recommend watching some youtube videos of good people playing as infiltrators to get the idea of how to play it well.

    There are 2 roles you can take as an infiltrator. One is to be a sniper and pick people off from a distance, the other is to be an actual infiltrator and sneak into the enemy base. I typically play the role of a sniper.

    I stick with a bolt action and 12x scope. One head shot will kill enemies and I can stay far enough away I won't show up on radar and even if they do see me I'm too far away for their weapons to be effective. If they come running for me and I can't kill them it gives me plenty of time to run away to another spot. When you are that far away and cloak the enemy can almost never see you at all and cloaking also stops you from being spotted.

    Stick behind all your teammates as they are assaulting a base. You have a nice buffer between you in the enemy so you are pretty safe. Spot enemies to help your team. Head shot any enemies standing still and body shot any that are moving that your teammates can help finish off.
  9. Apina

    You get there eventually, my KDR is getting better day by day, most imporant to understand is that we're not assault class. Ive played little bit of LA and boy its so easy compared to us. I think its getting better for infs, as not everyone seems to charge like they used to do at launch, yeah, ppl stop and actually think before they do something.
  10. m44v

    Not to mention that your team mates have the uncanny knee jerk reaction of gunning you down the moment they see you.

    An playing as a sniper is dull, doesn't feel like helping to capture the base.
  11. raw

    sniping is pretty much ******** after launch, since you can't hit a damn thing. the hit registration is so off, it's in the amazonas.
  12. Emperor

    ...Is this guy serious?
  13. raw

    hit registration is awful
  14. Benevon

    Do you mean bullet travel? Because when I am sniping at a LONG distance, it does take a little longer for the bullet to get there.
  15. Emperor

    You may need to get a better connection, better hardware, or become more skilled. Possibly some combination of the three. I've never had an issue missing a hit that should have registered, least of all with the infiltrator.
  16. Autistic_Giraffe

    Sniping is not for everyone, if your not a good sniper try something else. It doesnt sound like your enjoying trying to learn to play it either. Sniping is more of a challenge than other classes and requires more skills than the others.
  17. raw

    sniping in this game is piss easy. it's the hit registration that is borked.

    and regarding better hardware; i can give you my bank account, i expect payment until tomorrow. TIA
  18. Scan

    The infitrator class is for those who like a challenge... and self inflicting pain.

    The learning curve is insanely higher than for example your avarage heavy class. It's amazing how easily the kills roll in when I briefly switch roles.


    I will not falther. I will take the pain, learn the weaknesses of this class, and forge them to suit my needs! I will become the bestest one shot, one kill killer in the galaxy, and no one will know, because no one will see me do it, because of my 1337 skillz at hiding, staying unseen to a degree that even a Predator would poop his pants if he was to face me!