From PTS about construction,new stuff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DragenoidHighLord, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. DragenoidHighLord

    So i looked at the test server and spent some time on it.So after some looking around,found out sidearm optics awere added nothing fancy only 2x sights pretty much.
    But i was also looking into construction and they added some new stuff they i guess plan in the future so here they are on the list bellow:
    -Infantry tower (Tower where you can shoot from,can be shielded additionally)
    -Ramp (Well its a ramp)
    -Blast Wall (Drasticly smaller wall primarily to take more damage) 1000 cortium
    -Reinforcement module (Allows deplayoed sundees to become a spawn in reinforcements,being that the requirements were met)
    -Faction banner (Big holographic flag on a high tower 700 cortium)

    Sorry i didn't mention all of these costs for cortium but i was mostly looking at them and i was a bit sloopy about it.So what do ya guys think?
  2. MasterOhh

    The construction system is dead in my eyes. Yes there will be 7 hives on the maps most of the time, because a small hand full of players like to play planetcraft. They'll build their little bases at the same spots on every continent, then sit there while nobody else gives a sh*t. Eventually they'll get bored and leave their creation to either join the fighting or to build a new base somewhere else.

    I haven't seen any major fighting with player build bases involved for the last month or so. Either these bases will be ignored completely by the enemy factions beacuse they are build too good (in those areas on the map where they can't be attacked by conventional means). Or they are placed more in the open and then being rofl stomped be the occasional zerg who happens to be in the area.
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  3. FriendlyPS4

    Were spawns in the tower? That would bring back tower farms; a good thing when the pops are low or imbalanced. Or when a good squad just wants to troll the F... out of a zerg.
  4. NXR1

  5. FirePhox

    It's not dead yet, but it needs some definite refinement. When the construction patch first hit, fighting on unfamiliar parts of Indar with a huge army on both sides was one of the best experiences I've had in the game for a long time. There needs to be more incentives to assault, to build big bases and the attackers need constructables better suited to help them assualt said big bases. There needs to be growing exp bonuses around big bases (for both teams) and ribbons which are rewarded for activities around hive battles. Basically once a base has been established, has a efficient running hive and has defenders as well as attackers, this should be the most rewarding (xp wise) gameplay there is; otherwise people will just go back to their Biofarm or whatever is better certs/kills per sec.
  6. DragenoidHighLord

    Its a ramp,its 1 sided and its wide as a sunderer,i suppose this is for getting out of the base or in easeir,but thats all i got.
  7. FriendlyPS4

    Just to be clear, its not a magic ramp?
  8. NXR1

    CAN IT FLY!?!?!?
  9. Thunder33

    The problem with player bases is that they have to strong defence. You can farm some cortium then build a repair module and a skyshield, then the enemy need a platoon to kill the core. You dont need to defend your base only get the silo full of cortium and after that the base defend it self.
  10. CNR4806

    A freaking flag for 700 cortium. You've got to be kidding me.
  11. Pelojian

    they should make it into a module that makes constructed turrets use less heat per shot or something, make it useful and not just useless eye candy.
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