friendly fire kills much more punishing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by promic, Nov 4, 2018.

  1. promic

    need to make friendly fire kills much more punishing example after u kill a teammate 3x in a row ur weapon lock for 30 min even if i report player that are spam teamkilling me for hours they continue even kills my vehicle and the 2 same brothers have a bigfun to constantly kill their own faction i couldnt play much today sadly
    photo here
    they never get tired it seems player definetly need support vs those kind of abusive behavior that even scraps a kd with no problems
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  2. adamts01

    I think a better option is tying the report feature to team kills. We all know that **** happens, and 90% of the times I'm TKd I don't hold it against the guy. Maybe on the death screen give us an option to choose "oops", "learn to aim", or "malicious", each with increasing TK points associated with them.
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  3. Twin Suns

    You're more forgiving than I am. *tips hat*

    I have no sympathy for....Yuck! Yuck! I'm with Goofy generation.

    As my old Gunny, full of rock salt would say "'re...god $&@! ordinance! or I'll shoot you myself!!!"

    Nevertheless, I like you're suggestion.


    Sorry but no,
    Dump idiots running in front of my lasher, blocking shotguns, trying to stop the harassar with their bodies, no. I am against a weapon lock for me having no chance to avoid these kills.
    A punishment yes/ no option would be cool instead.
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  5. Demigan

    I'd rather not be locked for 30 minutes because team stupid showed up and decided that jumping in front of my weapon/vehicle while I was firing to try and steal kills was a good idea. Worse, griefers would deliberately try and get themselves killed just to lock your weapons.
    And what about disgruntled employee of the month with a chip on his shoulder? They dont look when crossing the road, get crushed and less than a minute later they are beelining for your tank with c4 already in hand. I'll shoot them to protecr my tank, and if they return with c4 a secind time I cant shoot them and have to be careful even trying to avoid him or I'll get 30 minutes lock? Well thank you very much for that experience!

    I also often have a stealth sundy out in no-mans land and when 4rth factioners spawn at it and I spot them trying to blow it I'll shoot them until they give up or I have to redeploy the Sunderer and wait for them to give up. But hey now I cant defend it more than twice before I get punished for their attemted transgression.

    I'm all for punishing deliberate cheaters but try and not punish anyone driving along or create a system that griefers are going to Kiss you for. I've proposed a legacy system before: it keeps track of overall TK's and the amount of TK's of the session. If you are above the average TK curve on either you'll be locked faster. That means that a vehicle player who has a higher risk of accidental TK's could easily compensate by murdering more enemies.
    You could also have lesser punishments, such as an empathy system where you'll be receiving damage too whenever you hit allies, or you'll be paying resources to your victims until you run out and get other punishments.
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  6. strikearrow

    When I get run over, in most cases, I will be unhappy. It doesn't happen often. But if it appears to me that it might be intentional and I receive no apology - at least in yell chat - then I will tk that vehicle. If I'm sure it's intentional, then I intentional hunt down and tk that player or vehicle regardless of an apology. If they retaliate, then I go full weapons lock fight with them.
  7. VhynSeven

    I'm against it, not because I think it is a bad idea. But as Demigan says, some people get TKed stupidly because they don't look around, jump in front of you while you are shooting or just happen to be next your nade. Some griefers would abuse that feature to lock your weapons faster.
  8. Towie

    I'm assuming you don't play VS then. It's called a Magmower with good reason.

    The challenge is: figuring out the deliberate TK versus the accidental. In my experience, they're nearly always accidental although I have had some salty idiots occasionally TK for the hell of it. I just report for harassment and move on.
  9. strikearrow

    I do play VS, but I am careful to avoid being in the path of a vehicle. I also do not play the zerg so I am not often near a bunch of vehicles.
  10. adamts01

    I think it would all even out in the end. I'm sure the "oops" and "check your fire" crowd would far outnumber the griefers. And I could specify that I don't think instant locks are in order, but maybe 3 "malicious" kills in 10 minutes should lock you, which I'd much steeper than what we have.
  11. Hegeteus

    And a choice for NC: Send bonus check
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  12. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Dude, no offense but this right here is the problem. This attitude causes some of the most childish behavior I have ever seen in games. Most of the time people just don't care about a teamkill until you get the One Guy with this mentality that transforms into Judge Dredd until justice has been served to his ego's satisfaction.

    There is a point where a teamkill is justified when someone is being truly toxic, but those are relatively rare cases. People running around with chips on their shoulders and hair triggers is a recipe for trouble. In the end it doesn't solve anything and ends up ruining the game for at least two people if not many more over something remarkably petty.
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  13. strikearrow

    Offense taken. You just argued justice is petty. That's pretty foolish and fools offend me.
  14. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Insinuating that you are somehow on the moral high ground and therefore are in any place to dispense justice is more than simply foolish, it is downright ignorant. For your sake we'll just ignore the fact that your idea of justice is simple ***-for-tat revenge that wouldn't be out of place in a 3rd grade playground.

    I'll take being foolish in your eyes as a compliment. Good luck to you, I sincerely hope you develop past this stage before you reach adulthood.
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  15. adamts01

    They sensor ***? What has the world come to? Can er say boob?

    Edit: I guess we can. Boob-for-tat. That doesn't sound right at all.
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  16. LordKrelas

    I rather not be completely screwed against a 4th Faction Lumberjack, trying to brick my Sunderer, or friendly forces.
    As until they succeed, I'd be the one getting penalty after penalty for preventing mass-team-killing.

    Let alone against Joe-blow-of-justice, who felt a single friendly round hit his shield, and decides it is his mission to Team-kill the guy who scratched him.

    And lets not forget, the Friendly who apparently if he doesn't believe you're sorry for running him over, will C-4 you, and if you don't let yourself be killed by a random-friendly name in the heat of battle, he will Weapons-lock himself killing you.
    Since you know, Figuring Joe-blow-C4 isn't a 4th factioneer but someone on a "justice" mission, is near impossible unless you memorize every single name that pops up for a split second.
    And self-defense is apparently an additional sin.

    The 4th faction has disposable alts, or doesn't intended to actually play.
    The 2nd, is so "They touch me, I punish" , that they can't be arsed to care.
    The 3rd is a "I am Justice incarnate" fool, can't care either.

    And the types, that Demigan mentions; Are even worse.
    As the perfect kind of shield, Friendly fire-line, Watch them walk into it - repeatedly.
    Now that entire squad for free, and impossible to prevent, is unable to fire.
    Now the enemy team can stroll around, and massacre while they are weapons-locked, and it only took 1 character.
  17. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Haha, at least my point got across. I suppose if you want to do it longhand we can call it a mammary tattoo.
    But then I would have had to call it Mammoo Revenge, which would be confused for the title of a B Movie where Free Willy fights Jaws and that's wrong.
  18. strikearrow

    And 2+2=5
  19. Sazukata

    If C4 damages only a friendly vehicle (sunderer for example), instant weapons lock. That way they can't finish with a rocklet rifle or get up to more shenanigans.

    This wouldn't get in the way of normal play as far as I can tell.
  20. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Concession accepted.