Freeze crash and long loadtimes since Valkyrie patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by HateHoppersWJetpacks, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. HateHoppersWJetpacks

    First off, I'm already running on an SSD. Not the top of the line hardware, but more than adequate to run PS2 on all the high settings.

    I'm not sure if the issue comes from the recent patch or because PS2's running 64-bit .exe program as opposed to the more stable 32-bit it has in the past.

    But, I've found that sometimes in game, I will routinely freeze and will have to force quit the game. Sometimes I don't see it happen all day, but yesterday for instance, I saw it happen 4 times in an hour. But I've seen this happened before when the game runs off 64-bit.

    What's new and most frustrating is since the Valkyrie patch my load times have gotten much longer when I jump continents or spawn long distance from where I last died/redeployed. I saw this does not happen to all players, but I am definitely not the only one experiencing this. With some people claiming it took 30 seconds more to spawn than before.

    This issue has made it difficult for me to play with outfit and squad/platoons whenever we switch targets, jump continents or try to quick deploy somewhere to prevent a cap. It has become an exercise in frustration, and I hope it is being investigated and addressed.