Freedom has prevailed on Mattherson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Beartornado, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Beartornado


    I demand the Vanu surrender their spandex immediately.
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  2. Zaik

    i got 15000 exp for that one. i logged on 15 minutes before it ended too

    "Purge the alien"

    The Xenos cannot stand before the might of the Imperium.

  4. Bape

    Im guessing you guys did a genocide on the entire VS faction on indar lol.
  5. treeHamster

    No they capped Esamir with like a 55% population and they already had like 70% of the territory when the event started.
  6. Dubious

    Esamir is the NC planet...
  7. bNy_

    How unusual, it's kind of sad though when you put it in perspective to population and weapon stats how bad the vast majority of NC players really are.
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  8. L3TUC3

    Why don't you guys go liberate Indar from the TR instead of boasting of a really imbalanced pop alert? That was the most interesting development coming out of the weekend as Indar hadn't been capped for months.

    Flippin cowboys have the off-hour advantage yet let Indar get ghostcapped. And I don't even see any TR gloating. A sad state of affairs.
  9. Xasapis

    It's really nice to see an event fully completed on a server.

    On the other hand I hope that this particular server is not in a dire state of imbalance at the moment. When the less populated factions get bored with getting farmed, they'll either join the more populated faction (snowballing effect) or leave the game. Which will leave even more bored wolves with even less sheep to farm (so to speak), which again will result in people leaving due to boredom.
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  10. Beartornado

    TR capped Indar at some point in the last 24-48 hours, during this alert on Esamir VS attempted to warpgate TR and remove their cap, but TR wouldn't have it. NC on the other hand steamrolled Esamir in under 30 minutes after the alert started.

    Most Alerts are very balanced though, as far as I've heard all factions get wins here and there with no particular faction always doing better. Aside from the apparent lack of organization on NC (unable to branch out effectively and defend/attack multiple bases) its pretty balanced pop wise on Mattherson.
  11. Zaik

    a vast majority of alerts get split 33/33/33 on mattherson, it's very late night/early morning ones that get so unbalanced like this.
  12. L3TUC3

    This was the most unbalanced one Ive attended thus far. It was an early morning one with the 4th faction toons choosing side as it went on as the winner was pretty clear (50+ NC at the end). The other alerts were more closely matched, and not just by numbers.
  13. Nocturnal7x

    haha I was also at north point when it was over. We had half the cont before it started, the other factions just gave up.

    And to anyone talkin ****, we had 3 legit NC platoons at least. Not 4th faction.
  14. Dubious

    Just watch, Alerts will be the death of the game
    Cause every time there is an Alert, there is 300 people, per Empire, sitting in some warpgate, trying to get in
    and when Premium members queue, freebies get pushed back and they log off
  15. Xasapis

    Do people know that they get the alert reward, regardless of the continent they are on?

    What they don't get is the 20% exp bonus when playing on the particular alerted continent, which lasts for the duration of the alert.
  16. Teegeeack

    If they'd rather sit in a warpgate than do something on their current continent while they're waiting in the queue then that's their problem.
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  17. Makavelious

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  18. Cl1mh4224rd

    The reason that Alert was (and the one currently going on for Amerish is) so unbalanced is because the VS actually stayed on Indar in an attempt to take the TR's benefit away. The TR also stayed on Indar to prevent that from happening.

    The late-night NC, however, are apparently suffering from severe ADD. Three territories to go and half of them left Indar to go ghost cap Amerish like they did with Esamir.
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  19. notyourbuddy

    Dominating an alert. A truly impressive accomplishment. Not like that cowardly 80% ghost cap of Indar a few nights ago where the TR were too scared to go to war with the VS and NC men on Amerish.

    Well done Mattherson NC.
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  20. Jonesing25

    Congratulations, you're awarded for capturing an empty continent with very little opposition. I don't know if you NC on matherson have realized it or not but when your population starts rising, the TR and VS start falling. No, it's not because you are OP or you have 'skillz'. It IS because you outnumber both enemy factions by too much for us to fight back. So, we leave. Congratulations, you are now the big fat bully on the elementary school playground.
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