Forum name change

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Lakora, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Lakora

    Well I'm just wondering if anyone have an idea if this is possible? Considering the fact that my forum name doesn't match my in-game name has caused a bit of confusion for some people.

    Sooooo yeah, any idea if it's possible or who to contact?
  2. Chivalry

    I think it would be easier to have you name in your signature.

    Besides, most people have different forum names than in-game names. Are you going to want to change your forum name if you change your character's name or make a new one in the future?
  3. Lakora

    I do have my chars name in my signature, I will admit it's within the animation so probably not the most efficient place to have it so will add it outside. But yeah it's not a necessity for it to change more of a "That would be nice" thing. It's christmas afterall. :D Bad argument but hey worth a try.

    You do make a valid point tho, now I can't speak for others but I ain't planning on changing char any time soon. Been with it since Tech Test n will still use it until the game closes.