Forum Guidelines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Aug 7, 2012.

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  1. RadarX

    Daybreak Games Forum Guidelines

    1) Be respectful and courteous - The purpose of these Forums and other official, Daybreak Games-maintained communication channels is to create a positive and constructive atmosphere for discussion about Daybreak Games Games and topics meaningful to our communities. While we may at times disagree with one another, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of civility and respect so that all voices may be heard. Disagreements with others are acceptable, but must be expressed in a reasonable and polite manner.

    2) Communicate constructively - It is important for any communication, whether between players or directly with Daybreak Games employees, to be constructive. Posts without constructive commentary distract from or otherwise reduce the visibility of valuable communication and discourages others from participating in the conversation.

    A few examples of non-constructive communication are as follows:

    • Off-topic commentary for specific forum - topics or conversation inappropriate for a particular area is unlikely to be seen by the intended audience and can spawn distracting and non-productive discussions, as well as splitting otherwise useful discussions into multiple channels. Political and religious discussions are considered non constructive on Official Daybreak Games Forums.
    • Spam - communication without meaningful content that does not add to the conversation. Some examples are: +1, first, bump, /agree, etc.
    • Cross-posting - posting the same topic or conversation repeatedly and/or across multiple avenues of communication in an attempt to gain attention for an issue. This splits conversation into multiple channels. If a conversation is relevant to multiple groups, players may post a link to the main conversation. We also do not allow posting a new thread on a topic that is already being discussed, as it spreads conversation out and makes it harder to gather the appropriate feedback.
    • Naming/Accusing - Openly accusing another player or group of misbehavior results in non-constructive discussion and is not allowed. You may discuss the type of behavior at issue, but specifically naming individuals or groups is not allowed. In cases of exploiting, harassment or other violations of conduct, please submit a ticket to Customer Service for investigation.
    • Disrupting Official Threads - these are created to gather feedback on specific issues or topics relevant to Daybreak Games. Do not post about other topics, or use the thread as a platform to attempt to advance another agenda.
    • Polling/Petitioning – The creation of petitions or polls are not permitted in Daybreak Games communications channels.
    3) Do not troll or make personal attacks - Trolling and attacking others is not allowed on Daybreak Games Forums or other Daybreak Games-maintained communication channels.

    • Trolling is posting provocatively with reasonable expectation of provoking an emotional response (intentional or not). Trolling can include:
    • Non-constructive feedback or comments.
    • Nerf Calls - Openly calling for "Nerfs" (blanket reductions to abilities) is not allowed. If you feel something is overpowered or needs to be toned back, post your constructive comments and explanations.
    • Accusing Others of Trolling - Calling someone a troll or accusing them of trolling is a form of trolling in itself. If you feel someone is behaving in a manner not consistent with these rules, please use the "Report this post to a Moderator" function on the forums.
    • Excessive Reporting of Posts - Using the "Report this post to a Moderator" function of the forums to draw attention to a specific cause, to target an individual or to bypass a forum suspension or ban is considered trolling, particularly if it is used frequently for the purpose.
    • Personal attacks - Do not insult, degrade or criticize any person or group of people. Personal attacks are hurtful, often lead to response in kind and destroy useful discussion.
    • Examples of personal attacks include calling someone stupid, saying "You suck," "I wish you would die," or "You should be fired."
    • Attacking groups of people, companies, and other countries is similarly prohibited.
    • Attacks specifically regarding race, religion or sexual orientation are grounds for immediate suspension or banning.
    4) No Financial Advice on the Forums - Do not tell members of the community how they should spend their daybreak cash or money. If a member is asking for generic feedback on certain sales, that is acceptable to respond to, just do not cause unrest in the community with comments like "Don't spend money in this game." Comments like these are not productive nor are they tolerated.

    5) Do not reveal account information - While most areas of our games are valid topics for discussion, Customer Service (GM) interactions are sensitive, due to privacy concerns. If discussing CS interactions, the comments must be kept constructive, civil and without revealing personal or account information.

    6) Links - Linking to files is not permitted on the forums. Regardless if the file is innocent. In fairness to all link posters we can not permit this. This ensures the safety of our forum community. This rule also includes promoting files not supported by Daybreak Games.

    7) Profanity - Because Daybreak Games appeals to a broad audience, the use of profanity is not permissible in any Daybreak Games communication medium. Do not intentionally evade the word filter or partially mask profanity by the substituting characters or words. The intent will still be clear. Either use all symbols or find another word choice (preferable).

    8) Signatures are welcome - Daybreak Games forums allow posters to use custom signatures. The current maximum size allowed for a signature is 350px tall, 500px wide (including any text) and1500KB. Any signatures considered inappropriate may be removed. Repeated violations may result in the removal of your ability to use custom signatures.

    9) Abide by moderator direction - If you disagree with a moderator or employee's actions, do not discuss or challenge the matter in forum posts. Contact a member of the Community team and clearly state your concerns.

    10) Posts must be written in English - Daybreak Games maintains English based forums. We ask that all forum users refrain from posting in any other language and instead post in English for everyone to read and understand.

    11) Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (F.U.D.) - Expressing fear, uncertainty or doubt to rile up or divide the community and spread unrest will not be tolerated.

    These rules are not comprehensive and are provided as a general outline of conduct for Daybreak Games-maintained forums and communication channels. Failure to follow these rules or any direction from Daybreak Games staff or volunteers may result in your posting privileges being suspended, either temporarily or permanently.
    • Up x 79
  2. Mithril Community Manager

    Links Rule #5 has been added.
  3. Mithril Community Manager

    Rule #4 added: No Financial Advice on the forums
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