[Suggestion] Force medics to revive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ballto21, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. JudgeNu

    This attitude that its a "medics job" to revive everyone is stupid.

    There is only pubby medics?
    How about the idiot that just ran in front of me while I was ADS through a doorway?
    He found out the hard way what I was looking at.
    I should revive him?
    Hell no.
    He puts us all in danger.

    You want me to revive the players on point that were not aware of the LA that snuck inand killed 5?
    I wont, It gives me more room to actually shoot him when I saw him w/out TA/TK.
    I was paying attention.

    Running around doesn't help anyone.
    Find somewhere/something to do, and do it well.

    You want a pocket healer?
    Join an Outfit.

    Mostly those who cry about Medics don't play Medic.
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  2. LodeTria

    If infiltrators don't use their motion spotter or darts after 5 mins, they should have to otherwise their SMG/Sniper/Scout and pistol gets locked till they get a motion spotter assist. I'm sick of infils who don't use their tool to provide invaluable knowledge about the surrounding battlefield.
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  3. Tratt

    Maybe it's just you?
    Maybe you've pissed that medic (or those medics) off before and he/she doesn't really care to revive you?
    Or perhaps you were constantly spamming "Medic, Medic, I'm right here! Why are you guys such scrubs!" in prox chat.

    There could be tons of reasons, but forcing someone to play how you think they should play is just idiotic.
  4. Dudeman325420

    So you're just complaining instead of doing something about what you perceive to be a problem. Awesome.

    Why not lock infiltrator weapons unless they fire darts? Everyone knows its the only thing they are supposed to do.
  5. Ballto21

    Already brought up. Infils should be using dongs or darts anyway
  6. Dudeman325420

    Wow, you must be a huge hindrance to your team.
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  7. LodeTria

    Several don't and they should be forced to if they don't provide sufficient support in a certain amount of time.
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  8. Ballto21

    I am only talking about medics who dont revive when there is no immediate danger. Please read the damn thread.

    I dont play medic often, but when i do, i ******* heal people AND get kills. shocking, i know
  9. Ballto21

    I have realized i am often the only one using his dongs. Whatever, id be a (bigger) hypocrite if i didnt agree, so i agree anyway
  10. LodeTria

    You have several?

    but in a more sirius tone, I wouldn't mind newbies getting one of those audio messages about medic/ammo/darts if they haven't used them for awhile in a contested facility.
  11. Ballto21

    I can record it. Ill do it free.

  12. WorldOfForms

    This is a videogame, not a JOB.

    You do not get to dictate how other people play a GAME. You are not their boss. Until you are paying them money to revive you, then it's not their job.

    Also, if you TK medics that don't revive, congratulations, you are a griefer and a problem player. You should be banned permanently.

    I'm not saying that if I'm lying dead and no enemies are around, and a medic passes me by I don't get annoyed. I do get annoyed. But I have no right to tell them how to play. And I certainly would not TK them.
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  13. JudgeNu

  14. Señor Cinco

    If you start screaming "Rezzz!" before your animation has stopped moving, then... yes. I will leave you be. I'm not there for you ( person screaming ) in the first place. Same as a cocky MAX screaming for some Engy to get back here.

    If it is a real issue for a given player, then I suggest one join a squad. Then you have a an immediate to contend with in lieu of cutting on the masses.

    What do you say to the player that pulls a Medic simply for the Assault Rifle?
    ... or the ability to self heal? That alone, with Nanoweave and a shotgun attracts anyone wanting a sturdy CQC type and the list can expand form there.

    How do you look at the same player that pulled a LA, just because he wanted a change of pace? Must we also be so compelled as to hunt him down to TK because he was supposed to be a Medic?
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  15. AxiomInsanity87

    I propose that medics don't even play. They just warp from one downed friendly to the next across all continents and auto res/die/respawn regardless.

    The player gets a free ride lol.
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  16. omfgweeee

    If a medic not revive in danger free zone is totaly his lost. Reviving XP is more than great, not doing free revives is bad for the medic it self.

    Anyway i have few rulles when i play solo medic.

    My 1st job is to convince my self that i am safe. Never trusting random guys covering me.

    If there are bad guys i will shoot them or die shooting them before i revive. Dont expect from me to die just to revive some random dude.
  17. johnway

    No one is obligated to revive anyone. yes its their role, yes there are benefits to reviving people in the larger picture, but no one owes anyone to go to great lengths to rescue another persons skin.

    yes it annoys the hell out of me when i see medics nearby who could revive me (especially if i drop dead outside the spawn room or there are medics running around where i am and doing nothing), but i can't exactly blame them for me dropping dead in the first place. Hell if i was taken out in a target rich area, i can't expect other people to save me over defending themselves against other target unless the party was over.

    Hell, i take calculated risk and rewards when i try and revive anyone. If there's other people to cover me and i think i can revive people quickly and reach them? Sure i go for the revive. If there are lots of them and i have a revive grenade? Sure, use it. If someone is close by and i need to switch out of whatever class to revive, sure if no one is around doing it or there aren't any medics. If i shoot dead a friendly, i do feel an obligation to pick them up as they're usually pretty close.

    But if there if there are people shooting at me and the whole area is exposed and i know there are other people just itching looking for another target and its going to be me? hell no. Its pointless to revive someone only for yourself and your patient to drop dead.
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  18. chevyowner

    If medics are only supposed to revive/heal you better try and get DBG to remove all of the kill based directives from medics. Maybe include the shielding directive while your at it.
  19. Ballto21

    i may have been exagerating a bit.

    The point is their MAIN JOB is to keep friendlies alive, not go out and get kills. There are classes designed specifically for that (HA and LA, kind of infiltrator) the rest (including infiltrator to a lesser degree) are SUPPORT classes. Support classes are supposed to offer support, not say **** my job i want an NS-11a
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  20. AxiomInsanity87

    They do, just not so much with all the randoms.

    Are you a random?. If not then this shouldn't be an issue.