For Those who dont know about Hossin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Forkyar24, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Alizona

    Also, I only have one char which I've worked up to Battle Rank 78, so it's hard to get the motivation to start all over again with a new guy, do it all again from scratch.

    But with continent locking, perhaps it will be a nice bonus to have one char on Connery and another on Emerald. I am on the "wrong coast" for my server, the latency is mid 100's all the time, but it really don't impact my play as much as I fear it might.

    But by having a second char on a second server, I'll increase the chances of a particular continent I happen to enjoy being unlocked and available for play (for me, that continent is Amerish, believe it or not). Sometimes it will be locked on both servers, but it will be rare.