Football cosmetics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by M4gn1, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. GhostAvatar

    Do not say that... next up will be My Little Pony cosmetics.
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  2. JorgeSarcos

    You know... we are talking Football here not FIFA or Association Football...
  3. Linedan

    Nah. Instead they'll offer window stickers of Calvin peeing on a (insert other faction's vehicle here).

    Oh yeah, and truck nutz for your Sunderer. Gotta have truck nutz.
  4. Goretzu

    We are talking about the World Cup, which is Association Football (not any other sort of football, be it Rugby Football, American Football, Gaelic Football, Australian Rules Football, Shrovetide Football etc.). :confused:
  5. Pikachu

    I saw a guy today with football camo, first so far. I have seen 2 or 3 with flag decals.
  6. AshHill07

    Lack of St George's Cross equals no money from me.
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  7. Freedym Fry

    Are there really football jersies as camo? All I can find are some flag decals. I'm hoping for full body colors after someone said they saw one.

    On the one hand, I understand it's a stupid addition to the game.

    On the other, I would totally wear some anyway.

    Is there football camo?
  8. JorgeSarcos

    nobody said football jersies, theres a football camo as in you have the balls pattern on your camo ( <-- that didnt sound quite well )
  9. Rebornvanu

    Sometimes I ask myself why they've actually made a lore when you get cosmetics which have nothing to do with it. The new ones do not even refer to a scifi setting in the 30th century. But ok I will take my flare gun and rainbow decal to fly with my giant football and drop 12 guys in a far to tide spandex costume to the next fight to bring the party back into the game...
  10. NoVemBer1978

    Flags decals... Nice but whereare the Belgium, Spain, Greek flags???
    Why add honduras.. WTF?
  11. Goretzu

    Might be copyrighted, if they are there's not a lot they can do about it.