FNO Consortium Thankyou!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KarMaSk89, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. KarMaSk89

    Id just like to say to Maggie and Jimmy, Tonight was an awesome event and we all enjoyed it immensely. Id like to thank the Planetside2 Team for there constant community interaction. Please keep it up and massive love from the whole of the Consortium.

    PS. Think about the Prison Uniforms! :)
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  2. Simcon

    Thank you, you are awesome and we all love you!
  3. alekeiv

    Thank you for the spotlight!
  4. emmae

    Yeah thanks.
  5. Xaturas

    Thank you guys you are awesome, Smedley should give you more SmedBucks for this awesome job :).
  6. Adam Chattaway

  7. TFrag

    Thank you! Especially at the end for talking to us all. :)
  8. Ashner

    Thank you!
  9. Skelly224

    You guys were great :)
  10. vianiznice

    Thanks alot Wiz and Luperza, was great fun having you!

    And thanks to the TR and VS for staying up late, giving us a proper fight!
  11. UzeroK

  12. jointwing

    Thank you from Conz female player ;)
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  13. Monkas

    Thanks alot!
    Had tons of fun!
  14. HuorCQB

    Thanks So much!!! we really appreciate the airtime :)
  15. Matti

    Thanks for the FNO, great to play with you guys
  16. nella

    Good times were had. Thank you guys.
  17. Silly

    Thank you dev's, also TR and VS for the fight;)
  18. HunterNL

    Thanks a lot for featuring us!
  19. BaptistsK90

    Great night Loadsa fun
  20. BradPhusionn