Flight Controls Changes - Need Feedback

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by PS2_Luke, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. Stryker2k2

    When I'm in a bank in my Reaver and I pull backwards on my mouse, attempting to swing my nose upwards to make that quick turn, my aircraft only does about half of that nose upward motion even though I am still pulling my mouse backwards. I end up having to reset the position of my mouse and do multiple pull backs on the mouse to get the desired effect.

    I understand that mouse/mice require space and I understand that you got to recenter your mouse in your playing space sometimes... but, I've had more than enough mouse room and my aircraft would still only do half of the requested nose upward maneuver.
  2. fogartyfreaks

    The new flight controls make the plane feel like its trying to fly a tank, i had to crank the flight sensitivity all the way up to max just to fly normally, but then trying to aim with other planes turrets (lib belly gun), it was impossible because flight sensitivity also affect turret as well. The hover for the valkrie works well, no drop at all. The map is good, it is good for big air battles, and easy certs for people with aa max/skyguards. The map being so close together also make it difficult to fly without being shot down by aa/running into someone. If it didnt have turret aa/av i think it would be much better.
  3. ComradeHavoc

    We need a downvote button.
  4. offkilter1

    np with the new flight
  5. Fned

    Had to increase mouse sensitivity to .916 to stay in dogfights with racer chassis. Needless to say, air gunning is completely broken at this sensitivity. Got a chance to play Vanu after the pop shifted and used dogfight scythe, without changing sensitivity; this frame/ESF combo allowed surprisingly accurate shooting while chasing fleeing foes at some distance, I was pleasantly surprised.

    There is a bug where sometimes when you press the key to get out of the aircraft, nothing happens. This can be a problem if it's on fire.

    Cockpit mouselook remains really cool. The pitch/roll acceleration rate when using mouselook should have a slider; that way users can adjust it to their liking, or even turn it off entirely if they hate it.

    The base sensitivity will probably need to be increased for these flight changes to work.
    • Up x 1
  6. Dj Gus

    Ok, flown about an hour on various aircraft, so far the new system isn't affecting my gameplay in any way. I can't even tell much of a difference. Only annoying bug i found, reported via /bug.
  7. Dreckschwein

    This, so much. Higby DBG pls!
  8. akmattb

    i have refrained from flying until this test because the controls are too wonky. having a completely disconnected rudder/aileron controls seems to weird with mouse and keyboard... it should be mixed input to cater to the newbies.

    i thought it would be cool to give it a try again and i admit it did feel better, but i was still unable to get into it.

    since i fly on a number of other games Arma and x-plane. i was hoping that joystick support had finally been fixed. i was sad to see that only one of my 'controllers' was set as the 1 control for the game. whats wrong with having multiple input devices? i have separate rudder/joystick/throttle. I know i am one of the few, but i wish you could at least let me choose one of the three, or just let me use all of them.

    if that change comes and i can use my hardware setup, id fly, but at this time i must remain on the ground giving better support to my team.
  9. LegendaryBird

    I wasn't able to do anything in-game because the TR had taken over all of Koltyr and I wasn't able to respawn anywhere else. Not sure how that happened, but that should probably get fixed. There goes my free helmet :(.
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  10. XxBODARKxX

    HARDWARE: Logitech Extreme 3D PRO Joystick
    • Reduce sensitivity
      • move joystick a centimeter = nothing, move it a little more jump 30 degrees
    • Hat Switch configuration
      • There are 8 directional positions on the switch, Planetside uses 4
        • useful for lock-on Air to Air
    • X and Y axis curve support
      • Right now we have to use Joy2Key Profiler
    • Track IR
    Thanks for addressing the sensitivity issue. The changes made will bring out more pilots who are not comfortable with mouse and keyboard piloting.
  11. ReznikovXIV

    I had weird issues. My Yaw would not work even after resetting everything back to default controls, starting a new character, everything.

    Also, I had a strange stuttering... jittering thing going on when I tried to fly in cockpit view. After I got out it carried over to when I moved as an infantry. Everything stuttering and being jerky, even though my FPS was well above 90.

    I never have these issues on public release, so IDK what's up.
  12. MyPS2

    feels good to me.
  13. Runegrace

    Xpadder, though others would work. All my controls are set in-game except the right-stick views which I wipe so I can use Xpadder's mouse emulation instead. You can also set the deadzone lower as long as you don't get drifting out of it.

    The trick is to then set your optic key in the game as a toggle to another profile in the program, which is exactly the same as the first but with less sensitivity on the Y-axis. That way when you press the optic in-game it basically just reduces the pitch speed so you can aim better. You run low-zoom optics (or none) if you want to activate it in close-range dogfights.
  14. Yuki10

    Besides a ton of bugs including cosmetics on test, I really didn't feel any major change in flight controls. I may be just a bit off, but not to a point where it got in the way that much. Was in a reaver, didn't try other ESFs. Not sure how come others are seeing such a big difference.
  15. Dreckschwein

    Were you using tomcats?
  16. KamiWHO

    That was a nice air combat ; ) I must honestly confess that hardly anything is noticed on the flight behavior of me. it was easier to fly and I must admit the intrusion rocket launchers work great as well. XD Thanks for the great event and the new continent with the cool new barrels . Good to succeed in the expansion . P. S. Google Translator :rolleyes:
  17. Anonynonymous

    So like... Can we finally get mouse yaw options?
  18. Picot

    About the ravageur, really it's harder for dogfight, but really better for adjust shoot to ground, but you can set mouse sentivity to .75 in my case to get better way for dogfight. indeed, in the way of liberator and galaxy, those are really too slow about to turn or escape, same with performances full, they are still unplayable in air defend. About the Valkyrie, it's become like a helicopter with those settings, but too it's less reactive.
    It's not bad about to drive ravageur, but should include some individual settings for liberator and galaxy especially, to gain more reactive command for these.
    Another bad think, it's about plane start-up, it's become really too slow, and in the case of you start-up and go up, you don't have speed at all (liberator, valkyrie and galaxy).
  19. ForCobalt

    Ok, managed to get on test server at the weekend by doing a file validate , one corrupt file , updated , bingo. So spent 45 minutes flight time , and thoroughly tested mossy with with dogfighting airframe only. I see so many negatives here on the new flight controls , but to be honest , with the dogfighting airframe , i found that it totally suited the new controls. i tested thr manuevarbility by running under over obstacles at extemely close range and setting myself an obsticale course. only ever crashed twice at maximum speed with maximum thrust on. I did test for a couple of minutes with hover , which i could see was a bit sluggish with the new control set. But i have to say , with dogfighting airframe , this suits to a tea...
  20. Yuki10

    No - didn't equip thme and din't actually get to fight anyone when i logged in as there was only 1 other person who stayed at warpgate
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