Flight buddies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Planetdoge, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Planetdoge

    So I'm a newbie pilot. Put several hours into the Reaver when I was in NC and now have a few hours logged with the Scythe. The latter feels nice for 1v1 dogfights. The problem is that those are few and far in between. It's almost impossible to get near another ESF without getting ganked by 5 of his friends. This was a lot less of a problem when I was playing NC (overpop) but is pretty noticeable as VS (I play on Waterson).

    It's frustrating, but at the same time I realize that it's unreasonable for me to expect a good chance of survival against a group of enemies when attacking by myself. That's just the nature of PS2 and it's even more true for the air game, at least in my (admittedly limited) experience. So, that said, any other aspiring VS pilots want to form an alliance or something of that sort? Or if any more experienced Scythers wanna take me under their wing, that would be nice too. :)
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  2. ThePonticMercenary

    I know the feeling. I primarily NC so we could like do 1v1 in empty places if you want.
    Also whenever I do play VS we can fly together and I can teach you what I know. Username?
  3. Traxiconn

    Oh oh oh. Always loved duels. ^^
  4. DashRendar

    Feel free to PM me for setup duels as well. I've been out of the air game for a while, and wasn't ever above average anyway, so we'd probably be good practice for each other. Just make sure you have fire suppression certed.
  5. Traxiconn

    1.53 KDR o_O
  6. DashRendar

    My ESF KDR is well under 1 I think.
  7. Planetdoge

    Thanks, guys. It would be fun to duel some time. My toon's name is VeridisQuo, feel free to add me.
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