Flashing Graphics In PS2

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by HellasVagabond, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. HellasVagabond

    Flashing graphics is an issue i rarely ever had till this day but with the new patch it keeps happening every few minutes. (Lag also seems to be worse).

    Ideas ?
  2. SashsaACIII

    У мя тоже было но очень редкоo_O *Мерцание текстуры.
  3. lethane

    Same here and never happened to me before today.
    Will try updating graphic driver.
  4. HellasVagabond

    Nah, i have the latest from NV and since it never happened to me for long (it has happened a few times but it was for a few seconds each time) i guess something was broken with the last update.
  5. Stigma

    This is a very well known and OLD bug. It has nothing to do with video drivers despite it looking like it does. It actually has something to do with the server load or the amount of people in an area that triggers something to happen (sometimes). When this happens it usually happens to a lot of people at the same time (in the same area).

    It has been bugreported ad-nauseum

    Best workaround so far - restart the game completely (not just log out). The problem also seems to go away on its own most of the times after a few minutes.

  6. Nogrim313

    i got this when my video card was overheating, turning down your settings a notch solved it for me
  7. Tehed

    yep, same here. Also thought it was the driver, but an update to 310.90 (nvidia) didn't help there (though I don't have complete crashes anymore)
  8. The King

    I used to get it a few times with my old laptop.
    But now, only got it once with my new laptop.
    It's not a heat issue, that's for sure. Ultra settings and my laptop blows out cool and warm air.
    Unlike my old laptop which blew out fire.
  9. HellasVagabond

    It's not HEAT related, my 670 goes to 68 degrees MAX and my 590 goes up to 77 MAX so both are within very acceptable levels.
  10. Moobak

    It isn't heat related. SOE had the same problem in Everquest, they weren't able to fix it there, they won't be able to fix it here. I've seen it happen across several different levels of machines, across years of Everquest.
  11. Rago

    Old known since the Beta Bug,....No heat Problem,....however search the forums for flickering and you will maybe find tons of Threads with this error, the most bad Moment this happens is while flying....
    Happens 1 or 3 Times a Month ...