Flash is pretty pointless now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. zib1911

    Any one ever tell you your a whiney *****?

    If not, your a whiney *****.
  2. K2k4

    I didn't even think of this before the update but the flash radar was a terrible burden on an Infiltrator's usefulness. Hind sight is 20/20.

    Imagine if the flash had a module which auto healed everybody within 125 feet of it while idle. Imagine if it could repair all vehicles within 125 feet. Imagine if you didn't get exp for these heals and repairs. Now imagine you have 10 of these surrounding every base you are trying to defend. Let's make this scenario such that your weapons take 45 seconds and literally all of your ammo to destroy 1 flash. Now you should be able to understand why the radar is unfair to anybody playing an infiltrator.
  3. DeathTollDavid

    I know a guy, who knows a guy, that heard about a guy doing that once.
    • Up x 2
  4. MarioPIe

    honestly, the flash is so unreliable, the driver might as well jump out and shoot enemies himself. if the flash was supposed to be used as a combat vehicle, then they should make infantry be able to randomly trip and die while aiming.
  5. Baleur

    lol i've been asking for spotted xp since the scout radar was first introduced for the ESF's.
    Not to mention that the Flash now costs a whopping 100 resources.

    It's pointless to even pull one. Might as well pull a Lightning. More durable, nearly as fast (racer chassi), more firepower.
  6. jihon83

    Flash, why can't you be more like your bigger, better, "transport" brother, Harasser? Or rather, Harasser, why can't you be an actual transport like the Flash, as opposed to an inexplicably tough dune buggy?

    Though in all seriousness, the Flash does serve as a purpose as a kind of transport, but with the way tire physics work in this game, there's almost always a point where I have to get off of it and shot it like a lame horse before walking those last 300 meters to my waypoint. :p I think it can be an interesting toy, like with the Wraith-build, but there's a long list of slot-abilities and weapon attachments to buy before I even think of spending/wasting one Cert on a Flash.
  7. dragunov

    This is what flash suppose to work in future
    i posted this before but no attention was given:mad: