[Suggestion] Fix TV missiles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsonix, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Arsonix

    It is pretty simple. Guided missiles (AV TURRETS) need to disarm once they leave infantry render range. It is too easy just to sit outside of render range and destroy vehicles where they can't find back.

    I noticed multiple people were utilizing this ability to destroy my Sunderer on one cliff at the Broken Arch Road on Indar from another cliff and there was literally no way to fight back despite the fact I could clearly see the general area the smoke trails were coming from. SOE please fix it so people can no longer do this.
  2. CrashB111

    inb4 crowds of NC claiming "just shoot it down!"
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  3. LodeTria

    Their range is 295 meters, whilst infantry render range is typically 300 (varies on the size of fights).
    Why don't you fix Lancers whilst you're at it as well, which really do fire beyond infantry render range.
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  4. Celenor

    This. Bring justice to Lancer and Vortex.
  5. Arsonix

    Sorry I am mostly referring to the AV Turret which doesn't suffer from that problem at all and doesn't require correction for elevation. AKA a lancer for all engies across all factions that is more powerful and with unlimited ammo.
  6. Foxirus

    Range is all the lancer has. It has to be charged before it can be shot effectively, can only be charged twice before needing a reload, Then must be charged again after the reload. What does this mean you ask? Crap ton of time that I can't be doing DPS because of having to either charge or reload.

    Before you say "Hurr, We NC have to account travel time". Feel free to also mention that you can fire from the safety of being behind a rock/wall, inside a building. I have to expose myself.
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  7. LodeTria

    You should have said you was referring to the Mana turret then, as "TV missiles" is normally referring to the Nc Phoenix due to it's "scope" when you fly it.

    I do not want the lancer nerfed, I just found odd he was complaining about being shot out of render range from what we thought was phoenix when the lancer is a much worse offender of it.
  8. minhalexus

    Guys, the OP is talking about the AV Mana Turret, not the Phoenix Launcher.

    He's very misinformed if he's talking about the Phoenix.
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  9. Arsonix

    But I wanted to make this another thread where NC, TR, and VS tear eachother apart tho... :(
  10. Archiadus

    Didn't they already reduce the range of the AV Turret's missiles a while ago?

    I think it was because players were able to shoot sky-gods down with them, not sure about that part though :p


    Found this on the wiki, not sure about how true it is.

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  11. Arsonix

    If they did they didn't do it enough.
  12. LodeTria

    Just make a C4 thread if you want a bait thread.
    We already kill each other enough in game, we don't need to bring onto the forums as well.
  13. Arsonix

    Well I wasn't just seeing things. I run my game with settings maxed and I was under a constant barrage of AV Turret fire with no recognizable point where it could have been coming from. I was in a group of maybe 25-30 people as well and none of them could fight back either. Really it could have only come from one area. Maybe it is possible the changelog is wrong and the lifespan actually is referring to how long it is under control and the projectiles were under the effect of gravity. If that is true it is entirely possible they were spotting me before running back to their turret and making slight adjustments.

    Actually I was under the impression that any discussion that started with "fix [insert faction trait here]" would end in people telling others off and that they need to L2P. Oh well it was an honest mistake.
  14. Regpuppy

    He's still a tad misinformed about the AV turret. It renders like a vehicle and has a 450 meter range cap, ever since the nerf. The only real complaint about it one could have is that it's such a tiny target at that range, but it still does render.
  15. Arsonix

    Well screw me for not getting video proof but I promise you we saw nothing at all while spamming the spot key and gunfire at the area they were coming from and it wasn't like it was just 1 hidden one, they would have had to have hidden 3 on the same cliff.
  16. Arsonix

    So two months later I finally figured out what it was after having it happen to me again.

    Still can't see them. Well I don't blame you.


    What you can probably barely make out in this picture is 2 tripods from AV turrets. That is right just the tripod is visible. What in fact these people were doing was firing and then exiting their turrets. By doing so they could quickly avoid being counter sniped so they could abuse the render range and continue dominating the heights above Broken Arch.

    So my question is how could this be fixed? For sure just rendering only the tripod needs to be fixed at the very least.
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  17. AdmiralArcher

    if they made the whole thing render the right way, and then found a way to make the infantry render WITH the turret it would be a bit better
  18. Wafflepancake

    If the eng is sitting in the turret, he does render. However as soon as he exits; the eng is no longer rendered.
    It would be nice if we could just have em render regardless of range. Give my 10x scope actual use.
  19. Shadowomega

    @Arsonix Q spot will fix the turret rendering as it becomes a priority target, and B gives a nice target to fire AV at. As for the infantry jumping off their no longer guiding the shot. 12x scopes do push render ranges out past 300m if the numbers in the area are small, however larger battles bring that render range down as low as 20m (player count in the hex is usually pushing well past 400 total)

    Also the AV MANA turret is a TOW Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided weapon platform. Several weapons use this type of Mechanic. AV Mana Turret, Raven NC AV Max weapon, Hornet NS ESF weapon, VLG Missile Launcher NS Valkyrie.
  20. Arsonix

    I am aware. I have since educated myself since I posted this about 2 months ago. The problem for me at the time was I didn't know exactly what was doing it and now I know. Before trying to find where the turrets were was like trying to play find the pixel on your 1680x1050 display settings when they were using this trick.